RPSC invites application for Assistant Engineer (AEN) Comb. Comp. Exam 2018's total 916 post in various departments of Rajasthan Govt. as:
1. AEn (Civil) 225 posts in Public Health Engineering Department (PHED),
2. AEn (Mechanical/Electrical) 75 posts in Public Health Engineering Department (PHED),
3. AEn (Civil) 4 posts in Panchayati Raj Department (PRD),
4. AEn (Civil) 307 posts in Public Work Department (PWD),
5. AEn (Mechanical) 3 posts in Water Resources Department (WRD).
6. AEn (Civil) 302 posts in Water Resources Department (WRD),
Online application date:- 30-04-2018 to 29.05.2018 Mid night 11:59 PM.
Website:- https://rpsc.rajasthan/gov.in/applyonline
Pre exam date:- Officially date is 16th, 17th & 18th, December,2018
Pre Exam Admicard:- RPSC uploaded admitcard on website.
Login on your SSO portal & download it.
Good luck 👍
Upcoming AEN Recruitment 2018 Aspirant can take helps from 2013 recruitment notification, syllabus, question papers, cut-off marks etc. and prepared on the basis of it. Please Download previous recruitment notification, syllabus, question papers, cut-off marks etc. by click on concern link :
RPSC AEn -2013 Recruitment Notification:
1. Original Main Advt. No. 04/2012-13 for A.En. Exam - 2013
2. Corrigendum regarding post bifurcation for A.En. Exam - 2013
RPSC AEn -2013 Syllabus
1. AEn-2013 Prelims Syllabus
2. AEn-2013 Mains Syllabus
Note : If you have any problem in downloading Syllabus from above links than you can direct download above things from RPSC Official Website via this link: http://rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in/Syllabus.aspx?Pie=81
RPSC AEn-2013 Prelims Papers (Objective type)
1. GK Paper
2. Civil Engineering Paper
2. Mechanical Engineering Paper
2. Electrical Engineering Paper
RPSC AEn-2013 Mains Paper ( Conventional type)
1. Hindi
2. Social Aspects of Engineering
Civil engineering
3. Civil Engineering (Paper - I)
4. Civil Engineering (Paper-II)
Mechanical Engineering
3. Mechanical EngineeringMechanical Engineering (Paper-I)
4. Mechanical Engineering (Paper-II)
Electrical Engineering
3. Electrical Engineering (Paper-I)
4. Electrical Engineering (Paper-II)
Note : If you have any problem in downloading Question Papers from above links than you can direct download above things from RPSC Official Website via this link: http://rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in/PreviousQuestionPapers.aspx?Pie=81
RPSC AEn-2013 Prelims, Mains & Interview(Final) result & Cutoff marks
1. Prelims
2. Mains
3. Interview (Final result)
Note : If you have any problem in downloading Results from above links than you can direct download above things from RPSC Official Website via this link: http://rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in/Result.aspx?Pie=81
RPSC AEn-2008 Mains Paper ( Conventional type)
1. Civil Engineering Paper-1
2. Civil Engineering Paper-2
PDF download source : If you have any problem in downloading these pdf from above links than you can direct download above PDF from my Google Drive via this link:
2. ZONE TECH, Jaipur a book for RPSC AEn Pre for Civil Engineering student, Which is available in Jaipur's market/ book sellers as well as on online website. Online website link is here:
1. Varshikank , 2018 ( January to December, 2017)
2. Moomal March edition (January-Febuary, 2018)
3. Moomal May edition (March-April, 2018)
4. Moomal July edition (May - June, 2018)
5. Moomal September edition (July- August, 2018)
6.Moomal Rajasthan Current Affairs Magzine September - October, 2018 (November edition)
Along with this read " Rajasthan Patrika" or " Dainik Bhasker " daily Hindi newspaper.
Answer key:-
2.Question Paper:- Civil Engineering held on 16.12.18 (Sunday) 2-4 PM
Answer key:-https://rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in/Static/AnswerKeys/1C2DBA9E-44D3-4DBB-A0A1-02D435D3444A.pdf
2.Question Paper:- Electrical Engineering held on 17.12.18 (Monday) 10-12 AM
Answer key:-https://rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in/Static/AnswerKeys/F43515BE-101F-4655-945C-A68DFF480589.pdf
2.Question Paper:- Mechanical Engineering held on 17.12.18 (Monday) 2-4 PM
Answer key:-https://rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in/Static/AnswerKeys/D5FA3F45-7030-4E10-BCBC-74FC4103C3E7.pdf
Note : If you have any problem in downloading Question Paper & Answer key from above links than you can direct download above things from RPSC Official Website via this link:
For question papers: -https://rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in/quespapers?Pie=242
My prediction regarding cutoff for Civil branch around
General >125
Obc >100
ST >75
SC <75
PH/Ex.SM/widow <50.
Main exam date aprox. in March or after it.
Author :- Dr. Raghav Prakash,
ISBN :- 8187542039 & 9788187542032
3. Civil Engineering Paper-1 held on date 04.12.2019 (9 to 12 AM)
4. Civil Engineering Paper-2 held on date 04.12.2019 (2 to 5 PM)
3. Electrical Engineering Paper-1 held on date 04.12.2019 (9 to 12 AM)
4. Electrical Engineering Paper-2 held on date 04.12.2019 (2 to 5 PM)
3. Mechanical Engineering Paper-1 held on date 05.12.2019 (9 to 12 AM)
4. Mechanical Engineering Paper-2 held on date 05.12.2019 (2 to 5 PM)
In Hindi & Social aspects of engineering Papers👇👇
In Civil Engineering & Electrical engineering papers👇👇
Civil Engineering
In Mechanical engineering Papers👇👇
RAS Main (Exam) 2013 & 2016 Toppers evaluated answer sheet
I arrangeed some answer copies which available in public domain. Students can see and see how answer sheet checked & marking doning by rpsc 👇👇

1. AEn (Civil) 225 posts in Public Health Engineering Department (PHED),
2. AEn (Mechanical/Electrical) 75 posts in Public Health Engineering Department (PHED),
3. AEn (Civil) 4 posts in Panchayati Raj Department (PRD),
4. AEn (Civil) 307 posts in Public Work Department (PWD),
5. AEn (Mechanical) 3 posts in Water Resources Department (WRD).
6. AEn (Civil) 302 posts in Water Resources Department (WRD),
Recruitment official notification
Which can be downloaded byhttps://rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in/Static/RecruitmentAdvertisements/91A43C6EBEF14BBDB3A2E2E19A654C0F.pdf
Online application date:- 30-04-2018 to 29.05.2018 Mid night 11:59 PM.
Website:- https://rpsc.rajasthan/gov.in/applyonline
Pre exam date:- Officially date is 16th, 17th & 18th, December,2018
Pre Exam Admicard:- RPSC uploaded admitcard on website.
Login on your SSO portal & download it.
Good luck 👍
Scheme of Examination & Syllabus
1. Scheme of Examination: - The Competitive Examination will be held in two successive stages:-(i) Preliminary Examination (ii) Main Examination
Each paper has 100 questions and every question waitage is 2 marks. So, total marks of pre exam is 400.
Cutoff is decided out of 400.
Pre exam is only qualifying nature because its marks not included in final merit.
Note:- There is no minimum marks crieteria in Pre Exam.
(ii) Main examination: - The written examination will consist of the following papers which will be conventional type. A candidate must take all the compulsory subjects and any one of the engineering subjects listed below. Each of the optional subject will have two papers. The time allowed for each paper shall be three hours.
Compulsory Subject:
Paper – I Hindi (100 marks)
Paper – II Social aspects of Engineering (100 marks)
Engineering Subjects:
Paper – III (200 marks) and
Paper – IV (200 marks)
Total Mains marks = 600
(i) Candidates who obtain such minimum qualifying marks in the written test of the Main examination as may be fixed by the Commission in their discretion shall be summoned by them for interview. Provided that no candidate who fails to obtain a minimum of 35% marks in each of the two compulsory papers and a minimum of 40% marks in the aggregate shall be called by the Commission for interview which carries 72 marks.
(ii) The Commission shall award marks to each candidates interviewed by them. In interviewing the candidates besides awarding marks in respect of character, personality, address and physique, marks shall also be awarded for the candidate's knowledge of Rajasthani culture. The marks so awarded shall be added to the marks obtained in the written test of the main examination by each such candidate.
(iii) The standard of the papers will be that of a Bachelor's Degree level except paper on Hindi which will be of Senior Secondary Level.
(iv) All papers unless specifically required shall be answered either in Hindi or in English, but no candidate shall be permitted to answer any one paper partly in Hindi and partly in English unless specifically allowed to do so.
(v) If a candidate's hand-writing is not easily legible, a deduction will be made on this account from the total marks otherwise accruing to him.
(vi) Credit will be given for orderly, effective and exact expression combined with due economy of words in all subjects of the examination.
(vii) It is obligatory for a candidate to appear in all the compulsory papers and in optional papers.
Total selection marks statics:
Main total marks. = 600
Interview marks. = 72
Grand total marks = 672
The final selection cutoff is decided out off 672 marks.
Minimun age requirement:- 21 year as on 01.01.2019.
Educational qualification:-
Condidate should passed/attained BE/B.Tech degree before Main examination.
Note:- Final year student are eligible but there final result should be come before main exam.
Sallay/Pay band/Grade pay:-
Running pay band is 15600-39100
Grade pay 5400 (7th pay commission level 14)
Rajasthan government give ₹ 39300/_ Fix payment untill 2 year complete in probation period.
(i) Preliminary Examination : the preliminary Examination will consist of two papers, i.e. one compulsory paper and one optional paper, which will be of objective type and carry a maximum of 400 marks in the subjects mentioned in Section 'A and B'. The Examination is meant to serve as a screening test only. The marks obtained in the Preliminary Examination by the candidates who are declared qualified for admission to the Main examination will not be counted for determining their final order of merit. The number of candidates to be admitted to the main Examination will be 15 times the total approximate number of vacancies (category wise) to be filled in the year in the various Services and Posts, but in the said range all those candidates who secure the same percentage of marks as may be fixed by the Commission for any lower range will be admitted to the Main Examination.
General knowledge & General Science
{(200 marks) (2 hours)} including General knowledge of Rajasthan. its Geography, Economy and culture.
{(200 marks) (2 hours)} including General knowledge of Rajasthan. its Geography, Economy and culture.
Civil/Mechanical/Electrical Engineering
{(200 marks) (2 hours)}
{(200 marks) (2 hours)}
Cutoff is decided out of 400.
Pre exam is only qualifying nature because its marks not included in final merit.
Note:- There is no minimum marks crieteria in Pre Exam.
(ii) Main examination: - The written examination will consist of the following papers which will be conventional type. A candidate must take all the compulsory subjects and any one of the engineering subjects listed below. Each of the optional subject will have two papers. The time allowed for each paper shall be three hours.
Compulsory Subject:
Paper – I Hindi (100 marks)
Paper – II Social aspects of Engineering (100 marks)
Engineering Subjects:
Paper – III (200 marks) and
Paper – IV (200 marks)
Total Mains marks = 600
(i) Candidates who obtain such minimum qualifying marks in the written test of the Main examination as may be fixed by the Commission in their discretion shall be summoned by them for interview. Provided that no candidate who fails to obtain a minimum of 35% marks in each of the two compulsory papers and a minimum of 40% marks in the aggregate shall be called by the Commission for interview which carries 72 marks.
(ii) The Commission shall award marks to each candidates interviewed by them. In interviewing the candidates besides awarding marks in respect of character, personality, address and physique, marks shall also be awarded for the candidate's knowledge of Rajasthani culture. The marks so awarded shall be added to the marks obtained in the written test of the main examination by each such candidate.
(iii) The standard of the papers will be that of a Bachelor's Degree level except paper on Hindi which will be of Senior Secondary Level.
(iv) All papers unless specifically required shall be answered either in Hindi or in English, but no candidate shall be permitted to answer any one paper partly in Hindi and partly in English unless specifically allowed to do so.
(v) If a candidate's hand-writing is not easily legible, a deduction will be made on this account from the total marks otherwise accruing to him.
(vi) Credit will be given for orderly, effective and exact expression combined with due economy of words in all subjects of the examination.
(vii) It is obligatory for a candidate to appear in all the compulsory papers and in optional papers.
Total selection marks statics:
Main total marks. = 600
Interview marks. = 72
Grand total marks = 672
The final selection cutoff is decided out off 672 marks.
Minimun age requirement:- 21 year as on 01.01.2019.
Educational qualification:-
Condidate should passed/attained BE/B.Tech degree before Main examination.
Note:- Final year student are eligible but there final result should be come before main exam.
Sallay/Pay band/Grade pay:-
Running pay band is 15600-39100
Grade pay 5400 (7th pay commission level 14)
Rajasthan government give ₹ 39300/_ Fix payment untill 2 year complete in probation period.
RPSC officially syllabus on dated 13.06.2018.
Download RPSC AEn -2018 Syllabus by clicking on following links
1. AEn-2018 Prelims Syllabus
2. AEn-2018 Mains Syllabus
Note : If you have any problem in downloading Syllabus from above links than you can direct download above things from RPSC Official Website via this link: https://rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in/syllabus?Pie=242
For AEn (Civil)
For AEn (Mechanical)
For AEn (Electrical)
For AEn (Panchayatiraj)
You can download Category wise Application Report from official website via this link: http://recruitment.rajasthan.gov.in/categorywiseappreportrecservlet
1. AEn-2018 Prelims Syllabus
2. AEn-2018 Mains Syllabus
Note : If you have any problem in downloading Syllabus from above links than you can direct download above things from RPSC Official Website via this link: https://rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in/syllabus?Pie=242
Category wise Application Report:-
For AEn All branchFor AEn (Civil)
For AEn (Mechanical)
For AEn (Electrical)
For AEn (Panchayatiraj)
You can download Category wise Application Report from official website via this link: http://recruitment.rajasthan.gov.in/categorywiseappreportrecservlet
Previous recruitment notification, syllabus, question papers, cutoff marks
Upcoming AEN Recruitment 2018 Aspirant can take helps from 2013 recruitment notification, syllabus, question papers, cut-off marks etc. and prepared on the basis of it. Please Download previous recruitment notification, syllabus, question papers, cut-off marks etc. by click on concern link :
RPSC AEn -2013 Recruitment Notification:
1. Original Main Advt. No. 04/2012-13 for A.En. Exam - 2013
2. Corrigendum regarding post bifurcation for A.En. Exam - 2013
RPSC AEn -2013 Syllabus
1. AEn-2013 Prelims Syllabus
2. AEn-2013 Mains Syllabus
Note : If you have any problem in downloading Syllabus from above links than you can direct download above things from RPSC Official Website via this link: http://rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in/Syllabus.aspx?Pie=81
RPSC AEn-2013 Prelims Papers (Objective type)
1. GK Paper
2. Civil Engineering Paper
2. Mechanical Engineering Paper
2. Electrical Engineering Paper
RPSC AEn-2013 Prelims Papers analysis i.e. Subjectwise weitage
![]() |
Add caption |
1. Hindi
2. Social Aspects of Engineering
Civil engineering
3. Civil Engineering (Paper - I)
4. Civil Engineering (Paper-II)
Mechanical Engineering
3. Mechanical EngineeringMechanical Engineering (Paper-I)
4. Mechanical Engineering (Paper-II)
Electrical Engineering
3. Electrical Engineering (Paper-I)
4. Electrical Engineering (Paper-II)
Note : If you have any problem in downloading Question Papers from above links than you can direct download above things from RPSC Official Website via this link: http://rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in/PreviousQuestionPapers.aspx?Pie=81
RPSC AEn-2013 Prelims, Mains & Interview(Final) result & Cutoff marks
1. Prelims
2. Mains
3. Interview (Final result)
Note : If you have any problem in downloading Results from above links than you can direct download above things from RPSC Official Website via this link: http://rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in/Result.aspx?Pie=81
RPSC AEn-2008 Mains Paper ( Conventional type)
1. Civil Engineering Paper-1
2. Civil Engineering Paper-2
PDF download source : If you have any problem in downloading these pdf from above links than you can direct download above PDF from my Google Drive via this link:
Study material suggestion
For RPSC AEn (Pre) Engineering (technical) paper:
Read your reference book / coaching material whatever you have. If you not have such material then you can prefer RPSC AEn specific published material/books by various coaching/publications as:
1. MADE EASY Publication material, which coverup RPSC AEn Pre total syllabus + Previous exam question paper solution + 3000 MCQ Booklet.
1. MADE EASY Publication material, which coverup RPSC AEn Pre total syllabus + Previous exam question paper solution + 3000 MCQ Booklet.
Which is available in all over market/ book sellers as well as on online website. Online website link is here: https://www.madeeasy.in/admin/photoGallery/upldPDF/RPSC_Postal_596.pdf
2. ZONE TECH, Jaipur a book for RPSC AEn Pre for Civil Engineering student, Which is available in Jaipur's market/ book sellers as well as on online website. Online website link is here:
For Pre Gk & GS paper
RPSC AEn specific some material/books publishes by various coaching/publications as:
1. MADE EASY Publication launches books in English medium as per RPSC AEn syllabus. Which is available in all over market/ book sellers as well as on online website. Online website link is here:
2. ZONE TECH Publication also launches a book in English medium as per RPSC AEn syllabus. Which is available in Jaipur's market/ book sellers as well as on online website. Online website link is here:
Current affairs
This is the most important part for Gk & GS paper because in RPSC AEn 2013 almost queaquest are current affairs based. So, must read current affairs.
For English medium: Read MADE EASY Publication RPSC AEn current affairs book. Which is available in all over market/ book sellers as well as on online website. Online website link is here:
For English medium: Read MADE EASY Publication RPSC AEn current affairs book. Which is available in all over market/ book sellers as well as on online website. Online website link is here:
For hindi medium :
Read "Moomal Publication, Jaipur" current affairs magazine which covers along with Rajasthan as well as India & world level all current affairs . Moomal's some suggested edition are available here:-
Read "Moomal Publication, Jaipur" current affairs magazine which covers along with Rajasthan as well as India & world level all current affairs . Moomal's some suggested edition are available here:-
1. Varshikank , 2018 ( January to December, 2017)
2. Moomal March edition (January-Febuary, 2018)
4. Moomal July edition (May - June, 2018)
6.Moomal Rajasthan Current Affairs Magzine September - October, 2018 (November edition)
Along with this read " Rajasthan Patrika" or " Dainik Bhasker " daily Hindi newspaper.
Test series for RPSC AEn PRE exam:
There is a lot of coaching institute's test series available in market. These are as follow:
1.MADE EASY will start test series for RPSC AEn prelims exam both papers from 1st July 2018, which has ₹ 1600/_ for 16 tests.
For more detail visit website:
2.ZONE TECH, Jaipur will start test series for RPSC AEn prelims exam both papers from 15th May 2018, which has ₹ 1200/_ for 35 tests.
For more detail visit website:
3.ENGINEERS ACADEMY, Jaipur will start test series for RPSC AEn prelims exam both papers from 13th May 2018, which has 15 tests.
For more detail visit website:
4. RINCHTAR CLASSES, Jaipur will avails test series for RPSC AEn prelims exam both papers, which is free of cost.
For more detail visit website:
https://drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/16eAPwoF8BLMYF0cLAWjg3-t-R8X9NuX6RPSC AEn-2018 Prelims Exam Question Papers (Objective type) & Answer key
RPSC uploaded question papers & Answer keys on website. If anyone has any objection please Object to RPSC. For more details see press note: - https://rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in/Static/PressNotes/7F0DE432-8C80-4876-9FCB-466F9C2917F3.pdf
1. Question Paper:- GK & General Science etc. held on 16.12.18 (Sunday) 10-12 AMAnswer key:-
2.Question Paper:- Civil Engineering held on 16.12.18 (Sunday) 2-4 PM
Answer key:-https://rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in/Static/AnswerKeys/1C2DBA9E-44D3-4DBB-A0A1-02D435D3444A.pdf
2.Question Paper:- Electrical Engineering held on 17.12.18 (Monday) 10-12 AM
Answer key:-https://rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in/Static/AnswerKeys/F43515BE-101F-4655-945C-A68DFF480589.pdf
2.Question Paper:- Mechanical Engineering held on 17.12.18 (Monday) 2-4 PM
Answer key:-https://rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in/Static/AnswerKeys/D5FA3F45-7030-4E10-BCBC-74FC4103C3E7.pdf
Note : If you have any problem in downloading Question Paper & Answer key from above links than you can direct download above things from RPSC Official Website via this link:
For question papers: -https://rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in/quespapers?Pie=242
For answer keys: -https://rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in/answerkeys?Pie=242
In Pre exam total applied, Present, absent candidates
Civil branch👇👇
Total - 42243
Present - 26528 (62.79%)
Absent - 15715
Electrical branch👇👇
Total - 14216
Present - 6665 (46.88%)
Absent - 7551
My prediction regarding cutoff for Civil branch around
General >125
Obc >100
ST >75
SC <75
PH/Ex.SM/widow <50.
Main exam date aprox. in March or after it.
For Main Exam Study material suggestion
For Compulsory Paper - 1 (Hindi)
Book title :- "VYAVAHARIK SAMANYA HINDI"Author :- Dr. Raghav Prakash,
ISBN :- 8187542039 & 9788187542032
For Compulsory Paper - 2 (Social aspects of engineering)
Read any book/books following suggestions whatever you find appropriate
- Book by ENGINEERS PRIDE coaching
- Book by writter Er. Ganpat Sharma
- Book by ENGINEERS ACADEMY coaching
Test series for RPSC AEn MAIN exam:
There is a lot of coaching institute's test series available in market. These are as follow:
1. MADE EASY will start test series at JAIPUR & DELHI CENTRE for RPSC AEn main exam from 23rd June 2019, which has ₹ 2500/_ for 8 tests.
For more detail visit website:
2. ZONE TECH, Jaipur will start test series for RPSC AEn Mains exam from 19th May 2019, which has 16 tests.
For more detail visit website:
3. RINCHTAR CLASSES, Jaipur will start test series for RPSC AEn Mains exam from 2nd June 2019, which has 20 tests & Fee Rs. 2500/_ only
For more detail see schedule
Corrigendum No 04/2019-20 Regarding Post Bifurcation for Assistant Engineer (AEN) Comb. Comp. Exam 2018
RPSC AEn (2018) Pre Exam Result & Cutoff
RPSC released AEn Pre exam 2018 result on 18.7.2019.
Result can be downloaded via this link:
Rajasthan Highcourt give the order for revision of Pre result in the hearing of students writ no. CW/44474/2019 & CW/44450/2019
RPSC released press note https://rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in/Static/PressNotes/E2115758-9581-4C1B-BCB4-8914B29154C6.pdf in which RPSC says exam conducted on due dates i.e. 9 to 11 October 2019.
Extended Result
01/10/2019 - Extended Result (By Court Order) for Asst. Engineer(Civil/Mech/Elect) Combined Competitive (Pre.) Examination-2018
Main Exam New date:- RPSC postpone 9-11 october 2019 exam date & give new exam date i.e. 3 to 5th, December, 2019.
Main Exam Question Papers:-
RPSC uploaded main exam papers which held between 3-5 December 2019 exam. Download question papers by clicking on concern paper link
1. Hindi held on date 03.12.2019 (9 to 12 AM)
2. Social Aspects of Engineering held on date 03.12.2019 (2 to 5 PM)
3. Civil Engineering Paper-1 held on date 04.12.2019 (9 to 12 AM)
4. Civil Engineering Paper-2 held on date 04.12.2019 (2 to 5 PM)
3. Electrical Engineering Paper-1 held on date 04.12.2019 (9 to 12 AM)
4. Electrical Engineering Paper-2 held on date 04.12.2019 (2 to 5 PM)
3. Mechanical Engineering Paper-1 held on date 05.12.2019 (9 to 12 AM)
4. Mechanical Engineering Paper-2 held on date 05.12.2019 (2 to 5 PM)
In Main exam total called, Present, absent candidates
In Hindi & Social aspects of engineering Papers👇👇
Total - 15292
Present - 12029 (78.66%)
Absent - 3263
In Civil Engineering & Electrical engineering papers👇👇
Civil Engineering
Total - 13751
Present - 10800 (78.54%)
Absent - 2951
Electrical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Total - 441
Present - 325 (73.70%)
Absent - 126
Total - 1075
Present - 790 (73.49%)
Absent - 285
RAS Main (Exam) 2013 & 2016 Toppers evaluated answer sheet
I arrangeed some answer copies which available in public domain. Students can see and see how answer sheet checked & marking doning by rpsc 👇👇
RPSC AEn (2018) Main Exam Result & Cutoff
RPSC released AEn Main exam 2018 result on 04-03-2021, which held between 03-12-2019 to 05-12-2019.
Result & Cutoff of Main exam can be downloaded via this link:

Result analysis:
AEn (Civil)
Total vacancy = 868,
Total selected for interview = 1961,
Ratio = 2.25 times.
AEn (Mechanical/Electrical)
Total vacancy = 80,
Total selected for interview = 192,
Ratio = 2.40 times
AEn (Panchayati Raj)
Total vacancy = 4,
Total selected for interview = 11,
Ratio = 2.75 times.
AEn-2018 Mains Exam Marks of Non-qualified for interview:
RPSC released on date 26.03.2021 marks of mains exam for those candidates who are not qualified for interview. Marks can be seen/print by this link:
https://rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in/resultsRe-totalling press note for Non-qualified in mains
On 06.04.2021 RPSC releases a press note of Re-totalling for those not qualified for interview. If anyone has doubt that his marks not as per expections than he/she can apply for Re-totalling from 07.04.2021 to 27.04.2021.
This press note can be downloaded via this link:
Due to COVID-19 second wave RPSC given another chance to Mains Non-qualified candidate for Retotalling of mains marks by notification dated 14.06.2021
Mains Non-qualified candidates can be sent written application for mains marks Retotalling upto 24.06.2021.
For more details see following notification👇
Counseling for Documents Varification (DV)
In previous time Document Verification (DV) done on the date of Interview just before interview. But this time RPSC doing document verification (DV) counseling from 23.06.2021 to 28.7.2021. During the counseling RPSC check/varify the qualifications related documents and deposit Detailed Application cum Scrutiny Form (DAF) & Attestation form.
For counseling students download their call letter and DAF from 19.06.2020 by this link: https://rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in/intsearch?Pie=AEN_2018_19062021
After download these documents. Students will fill the DAF & Attestation form carefully in 2 sets in his/her hand writing and enclosed self attested documents copy with it.
This time due to CORONA (COVID-19), test report of Corona must done & taken with you during counseling.which is done within 72 hours from the day of your counseling.
For more details see official notification👇
Interview dates
On date 27.08.2021 RPSC release a press note regarding 1st phase interview program, which is scheduled from 07.09.2021 to 30.09.2021 for 1024 candidates. For more details see press note: https://rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in/Static/PressNotes/0436B10D-A0B9-4ACA-8780-05BE1F624321.pdf
2nd Phase interview schedule released by RPSC on 09.09.2021, as per schedule interview dates from 01.10.2021 to 16.11.2021, For more details see schedule : https://rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in/Static/PressNotes/42D24879-D2BC-4461-984C-B2DD14578A3B.pdf
For Interview preparation
Main exam result declared on 04.03.2021 and DV counseling will held. After it, now last stage is Interview (Personality Test).
Please also read previous vacancy (RPSC AEN Exam-2013) candidates Interview transcripts via my blog, which links as follows:
Part-1 "RPSC AEn-2013 Interview preparation blog" : http://kaptanmeena.blogspot.com/2015/?m=0
Part-2 "RPSC AEn-2013 Interview preparation blog" : http://kaptanmeena.blogspot.com/2016/01/rpsc-aen-2013-interview-preparation.html?m=0
Part-3 "RPSC AEn-2013 Interview preparation blog" : http://kaptanmeena.blogspot.com/2016/01/part-3-rpsc-aen-2013-interview.html?m=0
My prediction/calculation saying that RPSC AEN-2018 interview will be start after RAS 2018 interviews. So, please prepare according DAF because mostly questions based on your DAF
Important: Whenever RPSC releases any information, i will update it on this blog. So, please stay connected with it.
Good Luck :)
For any queries you can contact me on:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/kaptankumarmeena
Email : Er.kkmeena@gmail.com
Good Luck :)
For any queries you can contact me on:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/kaptankumarmeena
Email : Er.kkmeena@gmail.com
Getting 155.68 general in civil engineering, should i start to prepare for mains, and also suggest that ese mains conventional previous year is sufficient for this exam or some other sources must be employed?
ReplyDeleteIf you getting 155.68 than you should clear prelims & go ahead for mains.
DeleteESE Mains conventional previous year is more than sufficient.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletewhen will declare RPSC AEn 2018 Pre result ? Any idea to approx date.
ReplyDeleteand i got 68.5 marks in pre paper in SC category now what should i do. Should i do prepare for mains or not ?.
Regarding RPSC AEn Pre result declaration unable to say. But you bother regarding result & Go ahead for mains.
DeleteIf you getting 68.5 marks in SC category than hope you may clear prelims. So, continue preparation for main exam.
Do they provide question cum answer booklet or separate paper are given in mains for writing
ReplyDeleteRPSC Provides question cum answer booklet for mains exams.
DeleteYou should answer in provided fix space in defined answer word limit.
Any chance for 200 marks mechanical in general category.?
ReplyDeletewhich type calculator is allowed in rpsc aen mains exam ?? Please tell me sir
ReplyDeleteNon-programable any calculator as MS82, MS100 but not MS991
DeleteMs991 is also non programable
DeleteSir, is there any chance that the mains exam date will be extended?
ReplyDeleteStill we hope full about exam will be held on schedule date.
ReplyDeleteSir, Technical ki preparation theoretical Karey yaa numerical? My branch is mechanical.
DeleteSt cut off kya rehaga sir
ReplyDeleteAround 75 outof 400
ReplyDeleteSir mains exam time per hoga ya nhi...
ReplyDeleteUmmid to kam hi h.
DeleteBaaki RPSC h
Sir ye 45 days criteria kya ha.
ReplyDeleteEasa koyi official criteria nhi h.
DeleteEk thumb rule type m h
Sir Mains me Casio FX-991 Classwiz Non- Programmable Scientific calculator allowed ha ya nhi... ESE me to allow tha ye calculator...
ReplyDeleteYe link h calculator ka
Ek baar confirm krke bata dena... Confused hun kuki ye calculator bhi non-programmable hai
Delete991ES plus is alllowed
Deleteprivious year social aspect of engg ppr was of 200mks. now given of 100mks. any change in paper pattern?
DeleteSir, coaching center wale Jo mains ke test series wale paper (CE) provide krwa dijiye na.... Please
ReplyDeleteI do not has papers.
DeleteSir what will be the cutt-off marks of mains examinations of RPSC Aen.?
ReplyDeleteAround 420+ for general . For sure
DeletePlz provide Zone Tech rpsc aen mains books in pdf
Sorry, I don't have.
ReplyDeleteSir last time sc category wale ka 280 par selection kese ho gya (672ka 50% ) toh nhi h yeh possible kese answer jarur dena sir ji
ReplyDeleteRPSC 672 marks m se 50% se kam no. laane waale reserved category k students ko le sakti h.
DeleteSee Note-2 at advertisement https://rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in/Static/RecruitmentAdvertisements/91A43C6EBEF14BBDB3A2E2E19A654C0F.pdf page no.3 which says:
"Note - 2 : The Commission shall, in case of Woman Candidates, candidates belonging to the Backward Classes, Most Backward Classes, Scheduled Castes, or the Scheduled Tribes recommend the names of such candidates upto the number of vacancies reserved for them from amongst those who have qualified for interview, even if they fail to obtain the aggregate marks prescribed under Note – 1."
Reserved categories ke liye 40% marks hai.
ReplyDelete40% marks ka criteria Mains liye h.
DeleteJiska matlab h Mains m 600 m se 240 marks laane hi lane h
PL share Rpsc Aen 2008 second paper as it is Ras 2008 paper in Your attachment.
ReplyDeleteDownload it from my Google Drive via this link: - https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5VT0Aiy6oUoTGI1U3ppMksxOGpQeDRvcFRVeXRtU3RJTWNJ/view?usp=drivesdk
ReplyDeleteCivil me numerical ayega sirf sir
ReplyDeleteBoth (Numerical plus Theory)
DeleteCivil k liye Gupta and Gupta thik rahega sir women category
ReplyDeleteRead thoroughly.
DeleteGupta & gupta to only pre m objective k liye thi
Civil me numerical ayega sirf sir
ReplyDeleteAen mains 2008 Hindi ka paper mil sakta .h kya
ReplyDeleteNot available.
DeleteSir RPSC aen exam time pe h ya writ lg gyi
ReplyDeleteWrit to lagi h.
DeleteBut exam ka abhi to time pe hone ki ummid h.
So, concentrate on preparation.
Sir what is the safe score in mains approx out of 600...plzzz tell
ReplyDeleteSir what is the safe score in rpsc aen mains for ce out of 600 approx....plzzz tell
ReplyDeleteMore than 350+ out of 600
DeleteIs this for st Category or general???
ReplyDeleteSir marking kesi hoti h rpsc aen mains exam me loose or hard?
ReplyDeleteIs there any possibility to revise result?
ReplyDeleteResult will be revised for sure
DeleteIf it then mains date will be postponed or not
DeleteThere is Writ no. CW/44474/2019 peshi on 18th September in Rajasthan Highcourt Jaipur.
DeleteSo, date will be decided after 18th hearing.
Ok tx sir
DeleteOf AEN
ReplyDeleteSir AEN writ large kya faisla aaya
ReplyDeleteNext hearing date is 25.9.2019
DeleteThanx sir.
DeleteSir rpsc exam conduct krwayegi agr writ pe hearing Hoti rhi to
Sir Marking kesi hoti h mains me. Loose ya fir hard? Aur Hindi me toppers ke no. Itne kam hone ka kya matlab ho skta h.. tough marking ya fir Hindi itni strong nhi thi unki. Thoda sa idea dena sir kuki bahut dar lag rha h.. Usi ke anusaar padhai krunga fir
ReplyDeleteOn an average hoti h.
ReplyDeleteHindi & social aspects of engineering subjects are not much scoring.
So, don't expect much from both papers.
Try to maximize score in technical subjects.
Ye writ Ka Avi tk newspaper me q no aa rha he.jbki RAS ki sari information this writ k bare me.
ReplyDeleteThere is Writ no. CW/44474/2019 peshi on 25th September in Rajasthan Highcourt Jaipur.
DeleteSo, date will be decided after 25th hearing.
Sir case me koi severity no lg to he.
ReplyDeleteYe to 25th September 2019 ki sunwaai k baad hi pta chalega
DeleteSir St girls ka safe score kya hai
ReplyDelete280+ i.e. minimum marks to chahiye hi chahiye.
DeleteCan we use kachi pencil for drawing the diagrams in conventional papers.
DeleteWe can use pencil for drawing diagrams
Sir st boys ke liye safe score approx??
ReplyDelete325-350 plus
ReplyDeleteSir. will previous year will be suficient to crack aen mains exam . ? where to prepare for aen mains
ReplyDeleteRead reference material from your college books/coaching materials & practice from previous year question papers.
DeleteIf you want to more practice than take coaching test series.
Sir muje civil 1 and civil 2 paper k liye konsi book padni chahiye please reply me and vo kaha milegi
ReplyDeleteKoyi ek book to h nhi.
DeleteSyllabus lo & har subject k liye read reference material from your college books/coaching materials.
If you score 300+ than you are in safer side.
ReplyDeleteKeep reading.
2 month study is enough
Prediction is quit good.
ReplyDeleteBut if anyone score 300+ in main than he/she will get interview call.
MBC ki cutting off kya rh skti h interview ke liye
ReplyDeleteHello sir,
I am Nitesh and i am preparing for rpsc aen mains exam.
I want to ask one question that cut off in rpsc mains was out if 600 but the overall subject is of 700(100 hindi+200 social+ 200 civil paper 1+ 200 civil paper2)
How they calculate cutt off out of 600 please let me know
Social aspects will be of 100 marks only. Go through the exm scheme first before intense preparation.
DeleteFor final selection
ReplyDeleteGE 355
OBC 320
ST 320
SC. 270
Last time 2013
ReplyDelete70 seat for Gen which only 40 candidate are selected for Gen + 16 OBC +14 ST
And topper Gen female are selected in women category with 491 marks in civil branch
ReplyDeleteSt cut off general se jaydya rehi hi Kya
ReplyDeleteMay be equal or less than general
DeleteSir st boys ke final selection ke liye safe score kya ho skta h ??
DeleteMuskil hai sir 350 paper ka level bhut High tha
DeleteEvan gen hi max 350 hoga
I talk many students
No one getting even 240
Rpsc sucks 🙄
Sir, 2008 mains civil engineering paper 2 you uploaded is actually of 2012.If You have 2008 civil 2 mains paper please upload
ReplyDeleteSir mains ka result kb tk aayega koi idea??
ReplyDeleteOr is baar copy online check hogi jese RAS ki hoti h ??
Mains ka result kam se kam 3 mahine baad aayega.
DeleteHa Copy RAS kisi tarah scan hone k baad digitally check hongi.
Tsp category se form fill krne ka koi benifit milega kya???
ReplyDeleteLast time to alag se cutoff nhi thi..Fir tsp-non tsp category fill krwane ke piche kya reason hoga rpsc ka??
Milna to chahiye but kaise milega ye to RPSC hi bta skti h. Please find RPSC & DoP guidelines regarding this.
DeleteGetting 350 to 360 marks (approx).final selection ke koi chance h...outer state candidate.
ReplyDeleteHy sir,
ReplyDeleteAap thoda final selection ke liye prediction or apna view share kr dijiye ki kitna kuchh cutoff rh skta h category wise.
Sir paper ka level dekhne ke bad approx kitna safe score rah skta ..plzz batao sir
ReplyDeleteSir other state ki girls general me count hogii ya general female me
ReplyDeleteGeneral female
DeleteAnd sir obc girls ke liye safe score??
ReplyDeleteUnable to predict.
DeleteBut jald hi result aane wala h.
So, sab pta chal jaayega
sir getting a total of 350+ approx in mains ...
ReplyDeletechances of final selection?
Sir, I'm getting marks between 270-290.
ReplyDeleteIs there any chance for interview call?
Category ST,