Wednesday, January 20, 2016

SSC JEn Examination preparation blog



Staff Selection Commission will hold every year an open competitive examination for recruitment of Junior Engineers, Group ‘B’ Non-Gazetted posts in the Pay Band of Rs.9300-34800/-plus Grade Pay Rs.4200/-. 
Department allotted through this examination are :
1. Central Public Works Department (CPWD)
2. Central Water Commission (CWC)
3. Military Engineering Services (MES)
4. Border Road Organization (BRO)
5. Department of Post

Minimum age required: 18 years

Essential Educational Qualifications : Diploma in Engineering


Selection is purely based on written examination. The written Examination will comprise two papers — Paper-1 consisting only of objective types of questions and Paper-2 consisting of conventional types of questions. Both Papers have syllabus of the relevant engineering disciplines viz. Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering.
The pattern of examination

Time Alloted
Max Marks
Paper–1 Objective Type
(i)    General Intelligence & Reasoning
(ii)    General Awareness
General Engineering (Civil & Structural)
General Engineering (Electrical)
General Engineering (Mechanical)



 Paper-2 Conventional Type
Part-A General Engineering  (Civil &Structural)
Part-B General Engineering (Electrical)
Part-C    General Engineering (Mechanical)

Indicative SYLLABUS :

The standard of the questions in Engineering subjects will be approximately of the level of Diploma in Engineering (Civil/ Electrical/ Mechanical) from a recognized In stitute, Board or University recognized by All India Board of Technical Education.  All the questions will be set in SI units.  The details of the syllabus are given below:


  (I) General Intelligence & Reasoning: questions of both verbal and nonThe Syllabus for General Intelligence would include verbal type. The test may include questions on analogies, similarities, differences, space visualization, problem solving, analysis, judgement, decision making, visual memory, discrimination, observation, relationship concepts, arithmetical reasoning, verbal and figure classification, arithmetical number series etc. The test will also include questions designed to test the candidate’s abilities to deal with abstract ideas and symbols and their relationships, arithmetical computations and other analytical functions.
    ( ii ) General Awareness :Questions will be aimed at testing the candidate ’ s general awareness of the environment around him/her and its application to society.  Questions will also be designed to test knowledge of current events and of such matter s of everyday observations and experience in their scientific aspect as may be expected of any educated person.  The test will also include questions relating to India and its neighbouring countries especially pertaining to History, Culture, Geography, Eco nomic Scene, General Polity and Scientific Research, etc.  These questions will be such that they do not require a special study of any discipline.
  (iii) General Engineering (Civil and Structural), (Electrical & Mechanical):

Part - A
Civil engineering:

Building Materials, Estimating, Costing and Valuation, Surveying, Soil Mechanics, Hydraulics, Irrigation Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Environmental Engineering.

Structural engineering: Theory of Structures, Concrete Technology, RCC Design, Steel Design.

Part - B
Electrical engineering:

Basic concepts, Circuit law, Magnetic Circuit, AC Fundamentals, Measurement and Measuring instruments, Electrical Machines, Fractional Kilowatt Motors and single phase induction Motors, Synchronous Machines, Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Estimation and Costing, Utilization and Electrical Energy, Basic Electronics.

Part - C
Mechanical engineering:

 Theory of Machines and Machine Design, Engineering Mechanics and Strength of Material.

Properties of Pure Substances, 1st Law of Thermodynamics, 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, Air standard Cycles for IC Engines, IC Engine Performance, IC Engines Combustion, IC Engine Cooling & Lubrication,  Rankine cycle of System, Boilers, Classification, Spec ification, Fitting & Accessories, Air Compressors & their cycles, Refrigeration cycles Nozzles & Steam Turbines. , Principle of Refrigeration Plant,

Properties & Classification of Fluids, Fluid Statics, Measurement of Fluid Pressure, Fluid kinematics, Dyn amics of Ideal fluids, Measurement of Flow rate Turbines, Centrifugal Pumps, Classification of steel.


Part - A (Civil & Structural engineering)

Civil Engineering

Building material:  Physical and Chemical properties, classification, standard tests, uses and manufacture/quarrying of materials e.g. building stones, silicate based materials, cement (Portland), asbestos products, timber and wood based products, laminates, bituminous materials, paints, varnishes.

Estimating, Costing and Valuation : estimate, glossary of technical terms, analysis of rates, methods and unit of measurement, Items of workearthwork, Brick work (Modular & Traditional bricks), RCC work, Shuttering, Timber work, Painting, Flooring, Plastering.  Boundary wall, Brick building, Water Tank, Septic tank, Bar bending schedule, Centre line method, Midsection formula, Trapezodial formula, Simpson’s rule.  Cost estimate of Septic tank, flexible pavements, Tube well, isolates and combined foo tings, Steel Truss, Piles and pilecaps.  ValuationValue and cost, scrap value, salvage value, assessed value, sinking fund, depreciation and obsolescence, methods of valuation.

Surveying : Principles of surveying, measurement of distance, chain survey ing, working of prismatic compass, compass traversing, bearings, local attraction, plane table surveying, theodolite traversing, adjustment of theodolite, Levelling, Definition of terms used in levelling, contouring, curvature and refraction corrections, t emporary and permanent adjustments of dumpy level, methods of contouring, uses of contour map, tachometric survey, curve setting, earth work calculation, advanced surveying equipment.

Soil Mechanics : Origin of soil, phase diagram, Definitionsvoid ratio, porosity, degree of saturation, water content, specific gravity of soil grains, unit weights, density index and interrelationship of different parameters, Grain size distribution curves and their uses.  Index properties of soils, Atterberg’s limits, ISI s oil classification and plasticity chart.  Permeability of soil, coefficient of permeability, determination of coefficient of permeability, Unconfined and confined aquifers, effective stress, quick sand, consolidation of soils, Principles of consolidation, consolidation, preconsolidation pressure, normally consolidated soil, e degree oflog p curve, computation of ultimate settlement.  Shear strength of soils, direct shear test, Vane shear test, Triaxial test.  Soil compaction, Laboratory compaction test, M aximum dry density and optimum moisture content, earth pressure theories, active and passive earth pressures, Bearing capacity of soils, plate load test, standard penetration test.

 Hydraulics : Fluid properties, hydrostatics, measurements of flow, Bernoul li’s theorem and its application, flow through pipes, flow in open channels, weirs, flumes, spillways, pumps and turbines.

Irrigation Engineering : Definition, necessity, benefits, 2II effects of irrigation, types and methods of irrigation, Hydrology precipitation–– Mea surement of rainfall, run off coefficient, rain gauge, losses from evaporation, infiltration, etc.  Water requirement of crops, duty, delta and base period, Kharif and Rabi Crops, Command  area, Time factor, Crop ratio, Overlap allowance, I rrigation efficiencies.  Different type of canals, types of canal irrigation, loss of water in canals.  Canal liningtypes and advantages.  Shallow and deep to wells, yield from a well.  Weir and barrage, Failure of weirs and permeable foundation, Slit a nd Scour, Kennedy’s theory of critical velocity.  Lacey’s theory of uniform flow.  Definition of flood, causes and effects, methods of flood control, water logging, preventive measure.  Land reclamation, Characteristics of affecting fertility of soils, pur poses, methods, description of land and reclamation processes.  Major irrigation projects in India.

Transportation Engineering : Highway Engineering types of pavements, pavement materials–– cross sectional elements, geometric design, aggregates and bitum en, different tests, Design of flexible and rigid pavementsWater Bound Macadam (WBM) and Wet Mix Macadam (WMM), Gravel Road, Bituminous construction, Rigid pavement joint, pavement maintenance, Highway drainage, Railway EngineeringComponents of perman ent waysleepers, ballast, fixtures and fastening, track geometry, points and crossings, track junction, stations and yards.  Traffic Engineering Different traffic survey, speed interchanges,flowdensity and their interrelationships, intersections and traffic signals, traffic operation, traffic signs and markings, road safety.

Environmental Engineering : Quality of water, source of water supply, purification of water, distribution of water, need of sanitation, sewerage systems, circular sewer, oval sew er, sewer appurtenances, sewage treatments.  Surface water drainage.  Solid waste management effects, engineered management system.  Air pollution–– types, pollutants, causes, effects, control.  Noise pollution Structurcause, health effects, control.

Structural Engineering

Theory of structures : Elasticity constants, types of beamsdeterminate and indeterminate, bending moment and shear force diagrams of simply supported, cantilever and over hanging beams.  Moment of area and moment of inertia for rectangular & circular sections, bending momen t and shear stress for tee, channel and compound sections, chimneys, dams and retaining walls, eccentric loads, slope deflection of simply supported and cantilever beams, critical load and columns, Torsion of circular section.

Concrete Technology : Propert ies, Advantages and uses of concrete, cement aggregates, importance of water quality, water cement ratio, workability, mix design, storage, batching, mixing, placement, compaction, finishing and curing of concrete, quality control of concrete, hot weather weather concreting, repair and maintenance of concrete structures.

RCC Design : RCC beamsand cold flexural strength, shear strength, bond strength, design of singly reinforced and double reinforced beams, cantilever beams.  T beams, lintels.  One way and two way slabs, isolated footings.  Reinforced brick works, columns, staircases, retaining wall, water tanks (RCC design questions may be based on both Limit State and Working Stress methods).

Steel Design : Steel design and construction of steel columns, beams roof trusses plate girders.

 Part - B ( Electrical Engineering): 

Basic concepts : Concepts of resistance, inductance, capacitance, and various factors affecting them. Concepts of current, voltage, power, energy and their units.
Circuit law : Kirchhoff’s law, Simple Circuit solution using network theorems.
Magnetic Circuit : Concepts of flux, mmf, reluctance, Different kinds of magnetic materials, Magnetic calculations for conductors of different configuration e.g. straight, circular, solenoida Electromagnetic induction, self and mutual induction.
AC Fundamentals : Instantaneous, peak, R.M.S. and average values of alternating waves, Representation of sinusoidal wave form, simple series and parallel AC Circuits consisting of R.L. and C, Re sonance, Tank Circuit.  Poly Phase system and sinusoidal response of RLand RC circuit.

Measurement and measuring instruments : Measurement of power (1 phase and 3 phase, both active and reactive) and energy , 2 wattmeter method of 3 phase power measurement.  Measurement of frequency and phase angle .  Ammeter and voltmeter (both moving oil and moving iron type), extension of range wattmeter,  Multimeters, Megger, Energy meter AC Bridges.  Use of CRO, Signal Ge nerator, CT, PT and their uses.  Earth Fault detection.

Electrical Machines : (a) D.C. MachineConstruction, Basic Principles of D.C. motors and generators, their characteristics, speed control and starting of D.C. Motors.  Method of braking motor, Loss es and efficiency of D.C. Machines.  (b) 1 phase and 3 phase transformersConstruction, Principles of operation, equivalent circuit, voltage regulation, O.C. and S.C. Tests, Losses and efficiency.  Effect of voltage, frequency and wave form on losses.  P arallel operation of 1 phase /3 phase transformers.  Auto transformers.  (c) 3 phase induction motors, rotating magnetic field, principle of operation, equivalent circuit, torquespeed characteristics, starting and speed control of 3 phase induction motors on torque speed characteristics. .  Methods of braking, effect of voltage and frequency variation Fractional Kilowatt Motors and Single Phase Induction Motors: Characteristics and applications.

Synchronous Machines : Generation of 3phase e.m.f. armature reaction, voltage regulation, parallel operation of two alternators, synchronizing, control of active and reactive power.  Starting and applications of synchronous motors.

Generation, Transmission and Distribution : Different types of power stations, Loa factor, demand factor, cost of generation, interd factor, diversity connection of power stations.  Power factorimprovement, various types of tariffs, types of faults, short circuit current for symmetrical faults. Switchgears rating of circuit breakers , Principles of arc extinction by oil and air, H.R.C. Fuses, Protection against earth leakage / over current, etc.  Buchholtz relay, MerzPrice system of protection of generators & transformers, protection of feeders and bus bars.  Lightning arresters,  var ious transmission and distribution system, comparison of conductor materials, efficiency of different system.  Cable Different type of cables, cable rating and derating factor.

Estimation and costing : Estimation of lighting scheme, electric installatio IE rules.  Earthing practices and IE Rules.

Utilization of Electrical Energy: Illumination, Electric heating, Electric welding, Electroplating, Electric drives and motors.

Basic Electronics : Working of various electronic devi ces e.g. P N Junction diodes, Transistors (NPN and PNP type), BJT and JFET. Simple circuits using these devices.

Part - C  ( Mechanical Engineering ):

Theory of Machines and Machine Design: Concept of simple machine, Four bar linkage and link motion, Flywhee Power transmission by beltsVbelts and Flat belts, Clutches Type of gears, gear profile and gear ratio calculation, Governors ls and fluctuation of energy,Plate and Conical clutch, Gears–– Principles and classification, Riveted joint, Cams, Bearings, Friction in collars and pivots.

Engineering Mechanics and Strength of Materials: Equilibrium of Forces, Law of motion, Friction, Concepts of stress and strain, Elastic limit and elastic constants, Bending moments and shear force diagram, Stress in circular shafts, Bucking of columnscomposite bars, Torsion of Euler’s and Rankin’s theories, Thin walled pressure vessels.

Thermal Engineering 

Properties of Pure Substances : pv & PT diagrams of pure substance like H 2 O, Introduction of steam table with respect to steam generation process; definition of saturation, wet & superheated status.  Definition of dryness fraction of steam, degree of superheat of steam. H (Mollier’s Chart).

1st Law of Thermodyn amicss chart of steam : Definition of stored energy & internal energy, 1st Law of Thermodynamics of cyclic process, Non Flow Energy Equation, Flow Energy & Definition of Enthalpy, Conditions for Steady State Steady Flow; Steady State Steady Flow Energy Equation.
2nd law of Thermodynamics : Definition of Sink, Source Reservoir of Heat, Heat Engine, Heat Pump & Refrigerator; Thermal Efficiency of Heat Engines & co Refrigerators, KelvinPlanck & Clausius Statements of 2efficient of performance of nd Law of Thermodynamics, A bsolute or Thermodynamic Scale of temperature, Clausius Integral, Entropy, Entropy change calculation of ideal gas processes.   Carnot Cycle & Carnot Efficiency, PMM2; definition & its impossibility.

Air standard Cycles for IC engines Cycle; Otto cycle, plot on P-V, T-S Planes;  Thermal efficiency, diesel cycle; plot on P-V, T-S Planes;  Thermal efficiency.

IC Engine Performance, IC Engine Combustion, IC Engine Cooling & Lubrication.

Rankine cycle of steam : Simple Rankine cycle plot on P-V, T-S, h-s planes, Ra nkine cycle efficiency with & without pump work.

Boilers; Classification; Specification; Fittings & Accessories : Fire Tube & Water Tube Boilers.
Air Compressors & their cycles; Refrigeration cycles; Principle of a Refrigeraton Plant; Nozzles & Steam turbines.

Fluid Mechanics & Machinery 

Properties & Classification of Fluid 
ideal & real fluids, Newton’s law of viscosity, Newtonian and Non-Newtonian fluids, compressible and incompressible fluids.

Fluid Statics : Pressure at a point.

Measurement of Fluid Pressure : Manometers, Utube, Inclined tube.

Fluid Kinematics : Stream line, laminar & turbulent flow, external & internal flow, continuity equation.

Dynamics of ideal fluids : Bernoulli’s equation, Total head; Velocity head; Pressure head; Application of Bernoulli’s equitation.

Measurement of Flow rate Basic Principles: Venturimeter, Pilot tube, Orifice meter.

Hydraulic Turbines : Classifications, Principles.

Centrifugal Pumps : Classifications, Principles, Performance.

Production Engineering

Classification of Steels : 
mild steal & alloy steel, Heat treatment of steel, Welding Gas Welding, Resistance Welding, Special Welding Techniques i.e. TIG, MIG, Soldering), Welding Defects & Testing; NDT, Foundry & CastingArc Welding, etc. (Brazing &methods, defects, different casting processes, Forging, Extrusion, etc, Metal cutting principles, cutting tools, Basic Principles of machining with (i) Lathe (ii) Milling (iii) Drilling (iv) Shaping (v) Grinding, Machines, tools & manufacturing processes.

Previeous year solved question paper book:

Best book for Pre & Main exam (Objective paper)


ISBN: 978-93-5147-238-4

No. of Pages: 280

Publisher Name: MADE EASY Publications

Author Name: MADE EASY Team

Binding: Paperback 

2. SSC-JE-2015 : Topicwise Previous Years Solved Papers : Civil Engineering by Vivek Sharma (Author),
Gyanti Publication (GP), Allahabad

Purchage this online via:

For Main exam (Conventional paper)

SSC-JEn (Civil Engineering) Exam Conventional Paper Solution by RAJESH GHUSINGA (Author), 


First Edition edition (2016)

Purchage this online via:

2. Ssc-Je-2015 : Paper-2, Civil Engineering, Previous Years Solved Papers (2004-2014)
Language: English
Purchage this online via:

For any queries you can contact me on:
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Part-3 "RPSC AEn-2013 Interview preparation blog"

 AEn (Mechanical) candidates interview transcripts


Mr. Nitin Garg's Interview transcript:

Home town - Ajmer
Education - B.Tech in Mechanical engineering from Govt Engineering College, Ajmer (2013 batch)

Interview details:
Interview panel : Shri K.R.Bagdia Sir
Interview questions mainly asked from:
# Rajasthan GK
# Indira Gandhi Nahar Project (IGNP)
# No. Of lift canals
# Which is longest
# How much is height
# Ajmer's population
# Rivers of Ajmer
# Luni, its origin & ending
# Ajmer's Water supply source I.e. from where Ajmer got water
# Details of Bisalpur dam
# Beti bachao beti padao
# This scheme continuing in how many states & how many districts
# TSP areas of Rajasthan
# Difference between TSP & Non-TSP
# Perrineal rivers of Rajasthan
# How many MLA constituency in Ajmer & their names
# Who is the MEERA BAI
# Is there Water buster pump in your home for filling Water tank at roof top from ground level?
Answer - Yes
# Tell specifications of that water pump
# About Tehsils & Subdivision of Ajmer district
# How you checking water quality of Water?
# Tell aout RO system I.e. Principle on which it works

Interview duration:

Mr. Anil Swami's Interview transcript:

Home town - Bikaner
Education - B.Tech in Mechanical engineering from College of Engineering & Technology, Bikaner (2012 batch)

Interview details:
Interview panel : Shri S.L.Meena Sir & Dr. R.D.Saini Sir
Interview questions asked from:
# about 10th, 12th, B.Tech & Job
# What's are doing nowadays?
Answer : Job in mechanical Workshop
# Which kind of works happening in workshop?
# about Types of Submersible pumps
# How you select pumps
# which is the Longest river
# When KCC (kisan credit card) Yojna was started
# What is "JUGAAD" which uses in transportation
# Why is it not registered (iska registration kyo nhi hota?)
# Tell name of Bikaner University's Vice-chancelor

Interview duration : approx 15-20 minutes

Mr. Abhijeet Rawat's Interview transcript:

Home town - Byana (Bharatpur)
Education - B.Tech in Mechanical engineering from IIT-BHU (2013 batch)
Job - GET in ONGC

Interview details:
Interview Panel :  Shri K.R.Bagdia Sir
Interview questions asked from
# Rajasthan GK
# Resurgent Rajasthan investment summit
# About Byana's war I.e. when fought, in between etc
# Bharatpur leaders in Politics
# Oil price & Refinery related
# some question asked from ONGC company
Interview duration : approx 10 minutes

Mr. Rohit Singh's Interview transcript:

Home town - Nathdwara (Rajasamd district)
Education - B.Tech in Mechanical engineering from Govt Engineering College, Ajmer (2011 batch)
M.Tech in Thermal engineering from
 Delhi Technical University ( Formarly DCE) (2013-2015 batch)

Interview details:
Interview panel : Shri K.R.Bagdia Sir
Interview fully focused on technical & logical concepts. Few things as
# Split and window Ac whch is better and why?
# designing of lathe?
# ref systems?
# PH of drinking water?
# glass half filled half empty?
# questions on mathematical opecompany

Interview duration : approx 20 minutes


Mr.  Chirag Goyal's Interview transcript:

Home town - Byana (Bharatpur)
Education - BE in Mechanical engineering from MBM Engineering College, Jodhpur (2013 batch)

Interview details:
Interview panel : Shri R.D.Saini Sir
Interview transcripts are as follow:
Expert- 1
# What is design?
# Types of Pipes
# What is compounding?
# Why we do compounding?
# Types of compounding
# Types of Turbine
# Material of Pipes
# Design difference between Manual & AutoCAD
# What is AutoCAD
# What is finite element method?
# What is Stress analysis in finite element method

Expert- 2
# What is Drilling & Boring
# What is Jigs & fixtures and give examples
# What is PERT & CPM and Give example of PERT & CPM
# What is thread?
# What is Single & Multistart thread
# Which type of thread are uses in Souce, Catch up, whiskey etc bottles
# Give examples of threads
# What is the Die Steel?
# What is Pitch?

R.D.Saini Sir
# Tell about Byana within 1 minute
# Tell about Bharatpur within 1 minute
# What's your Hobby?
Answer : Reading
# Why it?
# Which books you reading?
# Tell today's newspaper any positive news
Answer: IRNSS 1E I.e. navigational satellite successful launching
# Tell about yourself within 1 minute excluding your basic, personal & academics info.

Interview duration : approx 15-20 minutes


Mr. Rahul Nagar's Interview transcript:

Home town - Bara
Education - B.Tech in Mechanical engineering from SKIT, Jaipur (2012 batch)

Interview details:
Interview panel : Shri K.R.Bagdia Sir
Interview mainly focused on
# 10th, 12th, College & Job related issues
# Favorite Subjects
Answer - HMT, FM & SOM
# Why hot air stream seems from mouth in winter, not I summer?
# If I warm water for bathing, but not bath for some time. What to do after some times that add more water or not?
Question - When Fire brigade machine works, its water goes upto long distance. Why it happens?
Answer - Due to Nozzle, which increases velocity
Question - There is any roll of pressure?
Answer - Yes, 1st they increase pressure.
Question - How?
Answer - Centrifugal
Question - Nozzle has converting passage but we can increase velocity by diversing passage?
Answer - Pump
Question - When it happens?
Answer - When Mach number is greater than 1 in Supersonic flow
Question - How ignition happens in Spark Engine?
Question - Do you have knowledge of IC Engine?
Answer - No
Question - On which principle SI Engine works?
Question - What is the flash point?

Bagdia sir :
# Your home town?
Answer - Baran
# your Vidhansabha kshetra
# Population
# Names of Women ministers I'm Rajasthan
# Who is you MP
# There are how many numbers of Nagar Palika & Nagar Parishads in Bars district?
# There are how many MLA constituency I'm Rajasthan?
# No. Of Loksabha seats in Rajasthan
# No. Of Rajyasabha MPs from Rajasthan
# Who is the Chief Justice of Rajasthan High court?
# Who is the Chief Secretary of Rajasthan?

Interview duration : approx 25-30 minutes

Mr. Yogesh Yadav's Interview transcript:

Home town - Alwar
Education -
BE in Mechanical engineering from MBM engineering college, jodhpur (2011 batch)
M.Tech from Delhi College of Engineering (Computational Fluid Dynamics)

Job - JE (E&M) in Military Engineering Services

Interview details:
Interview panel - Shri Surjeet Lal Meena Sir
Interview questions are as ke from:
# Generator related
# DG Set
# Function specifications
# NH ( National Highway)
# CBI Chief
# Motor selection for Irrigation
# Pathankot Attack
# Bharatmala project

Interview duration : approx 20 minutes

Mr. Abhishek's Interview transcript:

Home town - Tonk
Education -
BE in Mechanical engineering from MNIT, Jaipur (2012 batch)
M.Tech from MNIT, Jaipur (Thermal)

Job - Junior Engineer in WRD, Rajasthan

Interview details:
Interview panel - Shri Surjeet Lal Meena Sir
Interview mainly focused on:
# Home town Tonk
# Fairs
# Arbi farsi Institute
# Rajyasabha Seat from Rajasthan
# SC's & ST's MP seat in Rajasthan
# Cyber Crime
# Pump
# Pump's Design related
# Impeller
# Practical example's related questions
# Inventory control
# Industrial Engineering

Interview duration: approx 20 minutes

Mr. Durgesh Meena's Interview transcript:

Home town - Karauli
Education -
B.Tech in Mechanical engineering from MITRC, Alwar (2011 batch)

Job - JE (E & M) in Military Engineering Services at Jamnagar ( Gujrat)

Interview details:
Interview panel: Bagadiya sir + 2 technical expert, one was from production & industrial field and another was from thermal field.

Bagadiya Sir; Ask about schooling, btech (why from Alwar), Job..

1. Asked about value anslysis and value engineering.
2. What is MRP (Manufacturing Resource Planning).
3. Abrasive jet machining process.
4. Laser beam machining process.
5. Jigs & Fixtures.

1. Which work are you handling in MES....
Ans: Power House (External Electric Supply), street lights, security lights, Hanger Lights.

2. Is thr some mechanical work in mes.
Ans:  DG Sets , cranes, water supply, air conditioning.
3. Asked about Alternative fules despite of conventional fules..... names... then shifted to Bagadiya sir because this question was asked in first shift by Bagadiya sir....
1. Why we use alternative fules... and what are the names and what is current R&D status.
2. Difference b/w LPG & CNG.
3. How many liters in 1 barrel.
4. Vidhan sabha , lok sabha seats from jaipur and total rajya sabha seats and who are present rajya sabha members.
5. Perennial rivers in rajasthan.
6. NHRC chairman name.
7. Which river originates from ajmer and name of mountain from it originate.


Mr. Navneet Mishra's Interview transcript:

Home town - Alwar
Education - BE in Mechanical engineering from MBM Engineering College, Jodhpur (2013 batch)

Interview details:
Interview panel : Shri K.R.Bagdia sir
Interview mainly focused on:
# In Technical from IC Engine
# Knocking
# Detonation
# Heat rejection during ci Engine
# Difference between ci and si engine
# National park of Rajasthan
# Wildlife sanctuary
# about that district from where Navneet doing his education
# some questions asked from Chemistry as
# Metallurgical process
# Blast furnace
# aluminium extraction
# why Jodhpur got maximum soller plants whereas Churu got maximum summer temperature?
# Forest cover of Rajasthan.
# Churu, Udaipur and Delhi in percentage

Interview duration : approx 15 minutes.

Mr. Manish Jaiswal's Interview transcript:

Home town - Bharatpur
Education - BE in Mechanical engineering from MBM Engineering College, Jodhpur (2011 batch)

Interview details:
Interview panel : Shri K.R.Bagdia Sir
Interview transcript are as follow:
Member -1
# 10 th ,12th kaha se ki
Answer - RBSE
# Degree kaha se
Answer - MBM engineering college, jodhpur
# Job?
Answer - CGI Engg college btp
# What are doing after one year job in CGI?
Answer - lecturer in CLG
# What subjects you are teaching?
Answer - Material Science & Production
# Draw fe-c diagram and
# tell % carbon range of Steel & Cast Iron
# what is Carburizing?
# Tempering and hardening difference
# Tempering range
# Milling and lathe basic difference
# Kya hacksaw m/c tool hota hai?
# Tell  other subject which teaching?
Answer - Fluid mechanics
# why Lohagarh fort your home town Bharatpur called Impregnable fort?
Member -2
# Population density of Rajasthan?
# Sex ratio in 0-6 year child group in Rajasthan
# Why you left engg. college job from Bharatpur
Answer - family problem is. Transfer of family from Bharatpur to Pali

Interview duration : approx 15-20 minutes

Mr. Bharat Tanwar's Interview transcript:

Home town -
Education - B.Tech in Mechanical engineering from CET, Bikaner (2012 batch)
M.Tech from MNIT, Jaipur ( Renewable Energy)

Interview details:
Interview panel : Shri K.R.Bagdia sir
Interview mainly focused on:
# B.Tech project
# M.Tech project
# Some question renewable energy as status of Rajasthan and India
# Machine design
# Helical coil & leaf spring design
# Laws of heat transfer
# Rankine cycle
# Modified rankine cycle
# Beti bachao beti padhao
# Rajasthan's population and literacy rate

Interview duration : approx 15 minutes.


Mr. Bachchoo Singh's Interview transcript:

Home town - Bharatpur
Education - B.Tech in Mechanical engineering from Govt Engineering College, Ajmer (2012 batch)

Job - JE (E&M) in MES at Jaipur

Interview details:
Interview Panel : Shri Surjeet Lal Meena Sir
Interview mainly focused on:
# Mukhaymantri Jal sawblamban yojna
# College Project
# Hobbies
# Cricket is business or game and how
# Rajasthan economy based upon
# HGL and EGL
# Draw in case of pipe
# Losses
# Then asked formula
# Value of friction factor
# About electrical as Volt, frequency
# Pulverized coal
# Bunker
# Previous day din charya
# Solar energy & hub of it
# Why not in Churu
Interview duration : Approx 20-25 minutes.

Mr. Devesh Verma's Interview transcript:

Home town - Alwar
Education - B.Tech in Mechanical engineering from MBM engineering college, Jodhpur (2013 batch)

Interview details:
Interview Panel : Shri K.R.Bagdia Sir
Interview questions
1.what is shear force
2.which material is used for coil in refrigeration
Answer - Copper
3. Why Copper
4.what if Aluminium used. machines we talk about efficiency but in RAC we talk about different term what is that
Answer -  COP
6. Why efficiency not used in RAC
7.condition to float a body in liquid
8.a numerical in which it is given that a vertical wooden Cylinder float by 1/4th its volume outside then what is its density
9.what principal you used to determine the volume.
10.diff b/w spur and helical gear
11.what is advantage of helical gear over spur gear
12.what is disadvantage of helical gear over spur gear
13.different shafts conditions given and asked what type of gear will you prefer of district touches other country
15. Origin of Indira Gandhi canal
16. Name of state where women governors and their name
17. How to measure dia of a single hair
Interview duration : Approx 15 minutes


Mr. Sandeep Soni's Interview transcript:

Home town - Alwar
Education - BE in Mechanical engineering from Govt. Engineering College, Ajmer (2011 batch)

Job - GET in NHPC at J&K

Interview details:
Interview panel : Shri Surjeet Lal Meena Sir
Interview transcript -
# about 10th, 12th, B.Tech  & Job.
# What are you do just after B.Tech?
Answer - work as lecturer in JEC College, Jaipur during 2013-14
# Which subjects you taught?
Answer - Material Science & Engineering Drawing
# Now, what are you doing?
Answer - Trainee Engineer in NHPC
# What's your working?
Answer - Observation & quality check of work done by construction HCC that work done as per drawing or not.
# Hoe much sallery you got?
Answer - ₹ 48,000 /_
# In AEn Rajasthan about Half of this sallery you got, why you want to join this job?
Answer -   Family issues that I not gives adequate time to family because in NHPC posting in J & K.
# Vashudev Kutumbhkam! You can transfer money through Online.
Answer - Sir, I think that through NHPC job I nothing do for state. So, wants to do something for Home state.
# In Rajasthan how much electricity generated?
Answer - approx 22000 MW
# In this how much share of Solar & Maximum share of which state in Solar energy?
Answer - Rajasthan share is approx 1120MW i.e. 1st position and 2nd position is Gujrat which contribute about 900 MW.
# Nowadays which solar plant planning ongoing in Rajasthan?
Answer - Yes Sir. Lot of project planning is ongoing but Most important is Sambhar Solar plant in Jaipur district, which capacity is 4000 MW. In this plant 5 PSU companies like BHEL, PGCIL, SSL, SECI, SJVNL etc. This is the biggest solar plant of India.
# Any other project?
Answer - Yes Sir. There is a Solar Park construction is ongoing in Phaloudi of Jodhpur district. After completion of this Solar Park which is Largest Solar Hub of India.
# Tell about Rajasthan's Water Policy?
Answer - Rejuvanation of Rivers by interlinking of various rivers which is about dry. Rajasthan is the 1st country of India to do such ( River basin & Water conservation project Bill)
# No, this is Bill. Tell about Water Policy, which planned in 2010.
Answer - No idea
# Is rajasthan active in Hydro power generation field?
Answer - YES.
# In Mahi bajaj Sagar project, rajasthan's how much share & others states how much how much?
Answer - Rajasthan's about 45% & Gujrat's about 55%.
# Electricity also distributed in same ratio or other ?
Answer - Rajasthan uses Mahi's 100% electricity.
# How much area is irritated by this?
# Where is Jakham Project is located?
Answer - In Chittorgarh (presently in Pratapgarh)
# How much Power Generated?
Answer - 5.5 MW (it is a small electricity project)
# How much share is Rajasthan?
Answer - 100%
# How much area is irritated by this?
# What is Large & Small Irrigation Project and Difference?
Answer - LARGE, which irrigate more than 10000 hectare area & SMALL, which irrigate less than 2000 hectare area.
# In rajasthan where is Nuclear Power Plant? How much electricity generates?
Answer - in Rawatbhata

Technical :
# What is Critical Speed of Shaft?
# What is Resonance & on which factors it depends?
# Explain Critical thickness of insulation in detail?
# Tell formula for critical radius of insulation?
# Also told for both Cylinder & Sphere?
# Explain Boundary layer theory?
# Buckling of Shaft
# Eular's formula and special end conditions for column failure.

Interview duration : approx 20 minutes

01- February -2016

Mr. Nagendra Joshi's Interview transcript:

Home town - Ajmer
Education - B.Tech in Mechanical engineering from MLVT Govt. Engineering college, Bhilwara (2011 batch)
M.Tech from NIT Hamirpur

Interview details:
Interview panel : Shri R.D. Saini Sir,
Interview transcript :
1. Why is difference between split and window A.C.? why we use up and down position.
2. What is the void fraction of alpha ferite and austenite.less and more but why.
3. Except Cooling  what is the function of central ac as compare to room ac. Why we use.
4. Equation of spring mass system with damping.
5. See watch and compare the hour,minute, second arms angular velocity.
6. Alloy effect on steel .
7. Site selection parameters of thermal power plant.
8. SFD BMD of simply support and udl. With max load and deflection.
9. Contribution of ajmer in freedom of India.
10. Name three person which effect you in your life except your relatives.
11. History of prathvuraj Chouhan . how many time he forgive Md Guori. Is it real or not.
12 machinism or industrialization is how effect environment . is it right or wrong.
13. Tell that void fraction is greater for alpha ferite or austenite, With consider effect of temperatures?

Interview duration : approx 10-15 minutes

Mr. Shivraj meena's Interview transcript:

Home town - Kota
Education - B.Tech in Mechanical engineering from NIT, Jalandhar

Interview details:
Interview mainly focused on:
# Rajasthn child sex ratio 0-6 year age group
# Renuka dam
# Chambal Pariyojnaye
# Difference between Dam and barrage
# About chambal
# About PKC dam construction
# PKC ( Parvati Kalisindh Chambal)
# Which district covered in Beti bachao beti padao scheme
Advice of Mr. Shivraj to remaining candidate : - update your Rajasthan G K

Mr. Ravi 's Interview transcript:

Home town - Deoli (Rajasthan)
Education - B.Tech in Mechanical engineering from MNIT, Jaipur

Job - Junior Engineer in RVUN at Jhalawar

Interview details:
Interview board : Shri K.R.Bagdia Sir
Interview transcript :
# Why petrol is costlier?
# Why crude oil prices are decreasing?
# Command area of kalisindh dam?
# Capacity of All power plants of RVUNL?
# CMD & MDs of all bijli compnies?
# How can Transmission losses be diminished?
# Mukhyamantri jal swavlambhan yojna?
# Cheif Guest of 26th,January,2016?
# Calorific value & viscosity of  hfo & ldo
# On 1st February KALPANA CHAWLA's died. So, questions asked related to her like -
* What was her last mission?
* NASA's establition year?
# PKC project?
# When Tonk was integrated with Vrahad Rajasthan?
# Who undersigned from tonk?
# Material of boiler drum?
# How turbine blades are manufactured & coupled with shaft?
# How exhaust from chimney can be reduced, other than esp technology?
# Where first nuclear plant was estd?
# Magnus effect?
# Why do we reheat?
# One day ago Yuvraj played after 1 year for India,
Whats' name of his autobiography?

Interview duration : approx 35-40 minutes

02- February -2016

Mr. Aneesh Garg's Interview transcript:

Home town - Alwar
Education - B.Tech in Mechanical engineering from IET, Alwar

Interview details:
Interview board :Shri Surjeet Lal Meena Sir
Interview mainly focused on:
# 10th, 12th & training
# Urban bodies
# 1 lac above population city
# 1857 chavni area
# Chambal
# Power plant
# Solar energy
# New districts in Rajasthan
# Steering mechanism
# Newton law
# About home town
# I.C. engine
Interview duration : approx 18 minutes

Interview board : Shri Surjeet Lal Meena Sir

For any queries you can contact me on:
Email :

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Part-2 "RPSC AEn-2013 Interview preparation blog"

AEn(Civil) remaining candidates interview transcripts


Mr. Amrit Choudhary's interview:

Name - Amrit Choudhary
Home town - Bharatpur
Education: - B.Tech in Civil engineering from MNIT, Jaipur (2013 BATCH)
Job - Junior Engineer in Local Self Government, Rajasthan

Interview details:
Interview board chaired by R.D.Saini Sir.
Interview was mainly focused on basic profile, job profile & home town.
Interview transcript are as follow:

# Basic profile
# Job profile
# What are the  merits & demerit of Flexible & Rigid pavement?
# What is the Portal frame?
# What is the Degree of Freedom?
# Why factor of safety (FOS) 1.15 for steel and 1.50 for concrete?
# What is the size of testing cubes for cement & concrete?
# Why this size different?

# What is the Rajasthan Transparency Act-2012?
# Tendering
# What is the new circular regarding tendering?
# What is DSC?
# How many types of DSC's used in Bid uploading & opening?
# What will happen if time of bid opening expired?
# What will consider if someone's rate is not showing in comparative chart?

Chair person - R.D.Saini sir
# What is "Prajamandal (प्रजामंडल) " in Rajasthan?
# Please explain yourself within One minute excluding your basic info.
# Please explain about Bharatpur within few minutes?
# Why Bharatpur fort is impregnable?

Interview duration : 15-16 minutes.

Mr. Yogesh Pachouri's interview:

Name - Yogesh Pachouri
Home town - Baseri (Dholpur)
Education: - B.Tech in Civil engineering from An and Engineering College, Agra (2013 batch)
Job - Junior Engineer in WRD, Rajasthan Govt at Behror in Alwar district.

Interview details:
Interview board chaired by R.D.Saini Sir.
Interview is mainly focused on Basic info, Home town &  Job profile.
Interview transcript are as:

# Tell about BASEDI (i.e. your home town)  within One minute.
# Tell about Rajasthan within one minutes.
# Difference between "make in india" and "made in india".
# Positive news of today's newspapers.
# What is NITI Ayog
# How NITI Ayog reaching its policies upto grassroot level ( Neeti ayog grass root level tk kaise apni policies phucha payega)

# See & tell which kind of slab is used in this interview room.
# Types of slab
# Types of beams

# What's your working?
# Some questions also asked from PHED department related
# Water PH
# Fluoride problem

Interview duration : approx 15-20 minutes.

5th, January, 2015's interview

Mr. Bijendra Meena's interview:

Name - Bijendra Meena
Home town - Alwar
Education: - BE in Civil engineering from MBM engineering college, Jodhpur (2012 BATCH)

Interview details:
Interview panel chaired by R.D.Saini Sir.
Interview transcript as follow:
# About 10th,12th & College
# Source/Origin of Sabi River & its finish
# Population of Alwar and Rajasthan
# Mewat Vikas board
# Why Alwar city  population increasing
# Difference between "Make in India" and "Made in India"
# What is your favourite subject?
Ans. Structural analysis
# What is the determinate and indertminate structure?
# Method of inderterminate beam to find out
Answer: - Slope deflection, moment distribution ,kani, strain energy
 # about Moment distribution process
# Stiffness
# Carry over factor
# Diagram of multistory frame with UDL
# What is slope at fixed end & turn
# Brick masonry type
# Difference between Flemish and English bond
# Draw Isolated foundation cross section
# One-way,  Two-way in Isolated foundation
# Why uniform pressure provided

Interview duration : approx 15-20 minutes

Ms. Navneeta Goyal's interview:

Name -Navneeta Goyal 
Home town -Kota
Education: - BE in Civil engineering from MBM engineering college, Jodhpur (2013 batch)
Job - Junior Engineer in RIICO at Kota

Interview details:
Interview panel chaired by S.R.Bagdia Sir.
Interview mainly focused on technical, field experience & job profile.

Interview transcript are as follow:
# Building work
# In how many days Shuttering should be removed for Roof Construction & Beams.
# How much quantity of reinforcement is provided in per square feet.
# How much quantity of Cement is used on per square feet.
# Names of test related to Cement.
# Nominal mix and mix design
# Types of road
# What is Express way?
# What Sign board are used in this?

Interview duration : approx 15-20 minutes

Mr. Dipesh Parihar 's interview:

Name - Dipesh Parihar 
Home town - Udaipur
Education: - B.Tech in Civil engineering from Pacific engineering college, Udaipur (2013 batch)

Interview details:
Board - Bagaria sir board...
Time 4:45 p.m.

Interview transcript:

bagaria sir : pani pi lo.
me: no sir ,thanx
sir: are pi lo tenshn me honge..last vale k kafi tenshn rhti he..bat krne vala koi ni hota bahr...
me: ha sir vo to he
sir: tbhi kh rha hu pi lo pani
me: sir akela tha bahr tb pi liya tha..
sir: vese u mt sochna k last vale se kya puchenge sare que. to khtm ho gye honge..
me: no sir , last vale ko to or jyada tenshn hoti he u Lgta he sb easy easy to puch liya ab last hard kuch bcha hoga vo mujse puchenge..
sir: tbhi to kh rha hu pani pi lo
me: no sir , thanks
sir gave me a big fake smile..
bagaria sir: 10th kha se ki
me: vidhya bhawan Sr. sec. school udaipur se
sir: in which year?
sir : 12th 2009 me hi konsa skul th a??
me: sir same skul.. vidhya bhawan Sr. sec. school..
sir: acha vidhya bhawan k pdhe ho
me:yes sir
sir : acha udaipur k ho rural ya urban??
me: urban
sir: udaipur ko TSP area kr rkha he what is the full form of tsp??meaning kya he
me: sir tribal scheduled area..
sir: full form tribal sub plan he
me: ok sir..
sir: udaipur district aata he yrr pura
me: no sir..udaipur Ka aadha part hi tsp me he me jha rhta hu vo part tsp me ni aata he..
sir: okay
sir: reservation system kitna he tsp ka
me: sir 50% general, 45% ST &  5% SC.
sir: kon konse district pure aate he tsp me or kon konse aanshik
me : banswada, dungarpur pure nd udaipur, sirohi, chittorgarh aanshik..
sir.: acha btao nagarpalika kitni aati he tsp me total..
me: sir dungarpur nagar palika banswada nagar palika....intruppted me
sir: acha chodo u btao total tsp me village kitne he ..
me: sorry sir
sir: motana ka nam suna kya..?
me: yes sir
sir: kya hota he..
me: aadiyasio ki ek pratha he Jisme kisi ki mot ho jane pr samne vali party hrjane k rup me rupye leti he..
sir: kis type ki mot??
me: sir natural (Jaldbaji me) sorry sir sandigdh mot jo hoti he usme motana lete he..
sir: are koi suicide kr lega to usme kis bat ka motana..
me: sandighd mot hui he to samne vala pakshkar lega hi..
sir: ye samne vali party kon hogi?? me Mar jau to usme samne vali party kon hogi..??
me: sir ydi koi lady sasural me sandhigd death hoti he to uske pihar vale motana ki mang krenge...
sir: 10 din tk Montana ki lash pdi thi 1 aadmi ki..vo ku pdi thi kya matter hua ..
me: sir pipalvas ki ghtna he..matter kya tha vo nhi pta..

next shifted to expert-1

sir: B.Tech kha se ki thi..??
me: Pacific institute of technology, udaipur
sir: private college??
me: yes sir,
sir: kya kr rhe ho abhi..
me: sir preparation for govt. job.
sir: coaching wagera ki thi kya mains k liye ya kisi k liye??
me: no sir ..self study
sir:okkay..coaching nhi he kya vha??
baghariya sir intruppeted bharmar pdi he coaching ki Rajasthan me to..
sir.: acha btao konsi subject favorite he tumhari??
me: Geotech
sir: acha geotech me retaining wall hoti he vo kya krti he??
me: earth ko retain krne k liye
sir: kitne type ki retaining structure hote he
me: cantilever and counterfort cantilever
sir: dono me difference??
me: sir counterfort me extra piers provide hote he..
sir: cantilever ko cantilever ku khte he??
me : sir vo 1 trf fix hota he isliye
sir: diagram bna k btao
me: diagram bnaya
sir: diagram to thik he
ye cantilever ku khlai
me: sir ye heel ki trf fix he earth k karan
sir : ku toe ki trf nhi he kya?
me: sorry sir, foundation k karan toe nd heel fix he
sir: acha counterfort me jo support provide krte he extra vo ku krte he..
me: eatrh soil k karan jo horizontal force lga rha usko resist krne k liye
sir: minimum depth tk foundation ku provide krte he usse km kro to kya hoga ??
me: sir foundation k neeche jo soil portion he uske karan jo pressure lg rha usko counteract nhi kr paega
sir: Rankine ka minimum depth kis kis factor pe depend krti he??
me: s.b.c. of soil, unit wt. of soil nd angle of repose
sir: acha formula likho??
me: formula likha..
sir: isme square ku use kiya gya kuch pta he??
sir: sorry sir..
then interview shifted on 2nd expert
sir: estimate aati he ache se??
me: no sir
sir: ku degree me subject tha pura
me: yes usi time pdha tha...
fir 2 questions puche dono Ka javab no sir..question bhi yad ni
koi project krte he tb konsi techniques use me lete he??
me: PERT and CPM
sir: rate analysis kya hota he??
me:kisi product ki market me alag alag company ki jo rate chl rhi he uska analysis krna..
sir: krte kese he??
me: sorry sir, nhi pta

bahut nervous ho gya me tb bgariya sir ne mjak me kha ab pani..
me: no sir nd I also gave him a xtra large fake smile
sir: doubly reinforced kese design kroge..
me: jaldbaji me slab ka answer dene lga tb sir ne Khaha beam!!
me: sorry sir
sir: design step btao beam k??
me:. Loading calculate then moment ..then area of steel by formula..
sir:  ye chodo steel beam btao??
me: sorry sir..

then again switch to bagariya sir

sir: Mahi river ka nam suna??
me: yes sir
sir: kon Konse state k sath sharing he iski??
me: Rajasthan nd Gujarat
sir: kitne kitne%?
me: 49% Rajasthan nd 51% Gujarat
sir.: Narmada river ka nam suna he uska sharing kitna or konsi state k sath??
me: sorry sir
sir: Rajasthan me 1 mela asa he jha police apni dress me ni jati??
me: Vaneshvar
sir: no
sir: Triveni sangam aapke udhar kha he??
me: beneshvar me
sir: konsi ndiya??
me: Som, Mahi & Jakham
sir: or kon konsi jgh pe triveni sangam bnta he??
me: bhilwada me
sir: river??
me: banas, bedach & mental
sir: or??
me: rameshvaram??
sir ye kha he??
me: Sawai madhopur
sir: acha tumne TSP k reservation k bare me btaya Rajasthan k reservation k bare me btao??
me: 27% OBC, 15% SC , 7% ST & 1% SBC
sir: inko jodo 50% ho rhe kya?
me: yes sir
sir: SBC ka shi he baki glt he..ghr jakr check krna..
me: okay sir
Board members : okay thank you.
me: thanks & left interview room.

Interview duration: approx 25 minutes.

6th, January, 2015's interview

Mr. Rajeev Nayanam's interview:

Name - Rajeev Nayanam
Home town - Vaishali (Bihar)
Education: - BE in Civil engineering from NIT, Bhopal (2012 BATCH)

Interview details:

Interview mainly focused on Rajasthan and technical (i.e. Strength of Material, Steel, RCC)

Interview questions asked from:
# Irrigation projects in Rajasthan,
# Fluoride affected districts ,
# Percentage irrigation by tubewell and well in Rajasthan ,
# Resurgent Rajasthan ,
# MOU signed ,
# Types of beams ,
# Types of supports ,
# Point of contraflexure ,
# Steel girder ,
# Limit State Method
# Working State Method
# Difference between them,
# Types of steel truss
Interview duration : approx 15-20 minutes

Mr. Naresh Kumar Meena's interview:

Name - Naresh Kumar Meena
Home town - Ajmer
Education: - B.Tech in Civil engineering from NIT, Srinagar (2012 BATCH)

Interview details:

Interview board - Bagdia sir

Interview transcript are as:
# Where u did ur 10th, 12th & college?
Answer : 10th & 12th - D.A.V.School, Ajmer and College - NIT, Srinagar.
# After college what r u doing?
Answer - I preparing for IES and A grade service in mean while time I also appeared some interview.
# Most famous things/place etc of Ajmer?
Answer - Dargah sarif
# Tell about Dargah sarif's History?
# What is the difference between Lok devta and Peer devta?
# What is leep year in Hindi months?
# Name the fingers of hand in hindi?
# Density of Rajasthan?
# Name the perennial rivers of Rajasthan?
# What is difference between dam and barrage?
# Hooks law
# Isotropic and homogeneous
# Beam Cross section diagram
# Brick tests
# Cement compound
# What is  darcy law and it's application
# Different types of slabs
# It's suitability
# Difference between stainless steel and normal steel

Interview duration : Approx 20 minutes

Mr. Himanshu Dhaniyan's interview:

Name - Himanshu Dhaniyan
Home town - Alwar
Education: - B.E. Civil engineering from MBM Engineering college, Jodhpur (2012 BATCH)

Job - 

Interview details:
Interview board - R.D.Saini sir

Interview mainly focus on Home town,  RCC, STEEL & SOM.
Interview transcript are as follow: 
# First of question about Home town.
# What's are you doing after degree
Answer - Junior Engineer in WRD, Rajasthan
# Questions about Canals
# Advantages & disadvantages of Irrigation
# SC & ST population in Alwar district.
# Where are the maximum numbers of dams
# Draw Stress - Strain diagram
# Draw steel's Plate Girder diagram
# Why Vertical stiffener are provided
# spacing provisions for vertical stiffener
# Test of concretes
# Test of Workability
# What's the main difference in Tension member design & Compression member design?

Interview duration : approx 15 minutes.

Ms. Sangeeta Mahan's interview:

Home town - Jhunjhunu
Education - BE in Civil engineering from MBM Engineering college, jodhpur (2013 batch)
Job - Junior Engineer in WRD Rajasthan at Hanumangarh

Interview details:

Interview panel : R.D.Saini sir
Interview mainly focused on: 
# About water supply system
# Which system is better & why
# Pipe losses
# Difference between river flow & pipe flow
# Measurement of discharge in river
# Type of levelling
# Drawback of River Interlinking programme
# Problem of women's in Jhunjhunu
# Havelli construction material
# Velocity diagram of pipe flow & river flow
# Laminar flow
# Turbulent flow
# Stream line & potential line
# Measurement of velocity in river

Interview duration : Approx 20 minutes.

7th January, 2015's Interviews

Mr.Piyush Mehta's interview:

Home town - Jodhpur
Education - BE in Civil engineering from MBM Engineering college, jodhpur (2012 batch)
M.Tech : MNIT, Jaipur (Transportation Engineering)
Job - Consultant at Nippon Koei in WDFC project

Interview details:

Date : 07/01/2016

Time : 09.00 (morning)
Panel : Bagaria sir, Dr. Sunil Sharma (from M.B.M. Jodhpur) & Dr. Praveen Agarwal (RTU kota)

Interview started by Bagaria sir:
Questions asked about
#description of milestone of all 5 kinds of road( NH,SH,MDR,ODR and VR)
#PMGSY project
#Beti bachao beti padhao abhiyan
#conversion of Barrel into litres
#Literacy rate in Rajasthan
#Gender ratio in Rajasthan

Dr. Praveen Agarwal asks question about
#composition of elastomeric bearing
#caisson foundation

Dr. Sunil Sharma asks question about
#BOD & COD value of water
#Self Purification of River
#Direct Shear Test

**Interview concluded in 20 minutes approx **

Mr. Gyan Prakash 's interview:

Home town - Jodhpur
Education - BE in Civil engineering from MBM Engineering college, Jodhpur (2013 batch)

Job - Junior Engineer in RIICO at Balotra (Barmer) Rajasthan

Interview details:

Panel : Interview Lal Meena sir

Interview questions are as: 

1.What are pollution related problem in Balotra?
2. Causes behind these problems?
3. Explain complete process and planning involved  to design a industrial waste water treatment plant  & domestic sewage treatment plant. # What are the differences between the two?
4. how many lift canals in IGNP?
Longest one??
5. What is field capacity?
6. what is saturation capacity?
7. Where U-fork instrument is used?
8. Least count of theodolite & what is the range in which  we can measure angle on horizontal scale  ?
9. Types of compass? Difference between two?
10. What is Whole circle bearing and quadrangle circle bearing?
11. What is difference between accuracy and precision?
12. What is theodolite? How can it be used as auto-level?
13. What is total station?
Explain how does it work & How it is superior and more beneficial over theodolite?
14. What are contours?
15. Can two contours intersects ?
16. For what purpose & in what kind of constructions  contour maps are used in planning ?

Interview duration : approx 18-20 minutes.

Mr. Narayan Seervi's interview:

Home town - Pali
Education - B.Tech in Civil engineering from Govt. Engineering college, Jhalawar (2012 batch)
M.Tech : MBM Engineering College, Jodhpur

Interview details:

Panel : Bagaria sir, Dr. Sunil Sharma (from M.B.M. Jodhpur) & Dr. Praveen Agarwal (RTU kota)

Interview questions are :

1. Difference between conference,  seminar and workshop?
2. Difference between dam and barrage?
3. What is the role of water cement ratio on strength of concrete?
4. Names of Ministers for PWD, Irrigation and PHED department of Rajasthan Govt.
5. Minister of women in Rajasthan government
6. Do you know about gravity dam?
7. Shuttering/form work
# which shuttering should be first removed, Beams or slab?
8. How to improve stability of dam.
9. Role of shear key and draw it's diagram in cantilever retaining wall.
10. What is the length of  fix portion of cantilever beam in wall.
11. What is a water hammer phenomenon.
12. Related survey 
# Line of collimation
# Sensitivity of bubble tube
13. Various Field tests for soil for strength parameters.

Interview duration : approx 16-18 minutes.

8th January, 2015's Interviews

Mr. Ghanshyam Maheswari's interview:

Home town - Jodhpur
Education - BE in Civil engineering from MBM Engineering college, jodhpur (2013 batch)
M.Tech : SVNIT, Surat (Transportation Engineering)

Interview details:

Board chairman - bagaria sir
#Jodhpur Stone thickness and lenth
#White cemet composition and use
#Granite and marbel which is hard and why
#Patangakar flooring dig and lenth 
#Milestone of Nh Sh and mdr colour 
#smallest Nh india and rajsthan and longest
#Why ground water prob in jodh
#Survey campass type andd least count
#When go for rigid pavement and when flexible
#Expressxway and highway load diffrence for design
#On toll what equipment is used to measure overburden truck
#Geomteric feature of highway design

#signal design
# How to planning for a new road
# And spot speed measurment and how to use it
# Test for soil
# Jodhpur mini compactor by Prof. (Dr.) Alam Singh (from MBM engineering college)
#Where is the zero in prismatic compas and surveyor camposs and How many zeros in prismatic compass.

# How to measure local attraction of compass needle.

# Chief Minister of Rajasthan from Jodhpur & their tenure.

# Toll data used for what purpose in traffic study

Interview duration : approx 15-20 minutes

Mr. Rajesh Meena's interview:

Home town - Alwar
Education - B.Tech in Civil engineering from IIT, Bombay (2013 batch)

Interview details:

Panel - R.D.Saini sir board 

Interview transcript are as:

1st member : 

# Why IIT Bombay corridor is always under maintance ?
# Reasons of corrosions ?
# Length of bandra railways station truss span ?
# Length to span ratio for truss? 
# For continuous and simply supported beam ?

# What are multiplication factors and when do we use them ?

2nd  Member:

# Difference between OPC and PPC ?
What is ppc ?

# Benefits of fly ash and slag ?
# Effect on durability ?
# Water to cement ratio effect on hardening ? 
# Type of water resources ? 
Difference between them ?
# Can we use sea water for water supply ?
# Water quality parameters ?

Saini sir : 

# What is digital India ?
# E- governance ?
# Paperless ?
# Internet ?
# Why digital India is being implemented before becoming energy efficient state ?
# And last was what are you doing right now , any job ?

Interview duration : approx 15-20 minutes.

11th January, 2015's Interview

Mr. Deepak meena's interview:

Home town - Kota
Education -
10th -Ramanand Sr sec school, Kota (90.50%)
12th - Ramanand SSrR sec school, Kota (90.15%)
IIT JEE-2007 rank - 80th in AIR (ST)
College :
IIT Kanpur
MBM Engineering college, Jodhpur (2013 Civil Batch)

Previous selection - JEn(RVPN), Senior Section Engineer (RRB Ajmer)
Assistant Executive Engineer in BRO (IES-2014 Rank-228)


Interview details:

Panel : R.D.Saini
Interview mainly focused on :
# What is full form MBM ( engineering college, jodhpur)
Answer - Mugniram Bangur Memorial ( engineering college, jodhpur)
# Who was Mugniram 
# Difference between National Highways & State Highways
# No. of NH & SH 
# How to built a road
# WBM road
# Bamasaha Yojna
# Skill India program
# Beti Bachao Beti Padho
# Population of Rajasthan
# Types of flow

Interview duration : approx 12-15 minutes.

Ms. Aakansha Soni's interview:

Home town - Jodhpur
Education - BE in Civil engineering from MBM Engineering college, jodhpur (2013 batch)
M.Tech : MNIT, Jaipur (Environmental Engineering)
Job - Junior Engineer in PHED Rajasthan

Interview details:

Panel : K.R.Bagdia Sir
Interview mainly focused on :
# Firstly about thickness of sandstone slab
# Total Chief Ministers from jodhpur and their tenure
# Lady Minister in Rajasthan assembly
# Work you do in PHED
# Difference between slow sand filter and rapid gravity filter
# What is 2 way slab and its design step
# Porous concrete
# M.Tech thesis 
# Sanganer textile waste treatment process

Interview duration : approx 14 minutes. 

Mr. Govind Ram Seervi's interview:

Home town - Jaitaran (Pali)
Education - BE in Civil engineering from MBM Engineering college, jodhpur (2013 batch)

Previous selection - JEn(RVPN), JEn(WRD), JEn(RIICO),AEn (Maharashtra Govt.) & SSE (RRB Ajmer)

392nd rank in GATE-2014

Job - Assistant Engineer in RIICO at Abu Road

Interview details:
Panel : RD SAINI Sir

Interview mainly focused on Hometown, 10th, 12th, BE & Job profile.


From Job profile -

# Land acquisitions process
# Site selection
# Difference b/w industrial Roads and National Highways


# What defects you see in road while trevelling up Mount Abu 

from Abu Road
# Types of pavement
# Surface treatments for flexible pavement
# How thickness of flexible pavement decided
# What happens if CBR value quite low
R D Saini sir:
# Explain Pali, Jaitaran & Marwar in 1 minute respectively
# Freedom fighters from marwar
#  Religion caste etc. 
# Break unity of India. 
# Is there any element which connects India?
# What tests are performed during flexible pavement construction

# How binder content is Highways. 

Mr. Pankaj Khajotiya's interview:

Home town - Jaipur
Education - BE in Civil engineering from MBM Engineering college, jodhpur (2013 batch)

Job - Junior Engineer in WRD Rajasthan at Jhalawar

Interview details:

Panel : Bagdia Sir
Interview mainly focused on:
# Lok Sabha seats from Jaipur
# Name of MP from Jaipur. 
# Jaipur population, density, no of tehsils, literacy rate 
# Dausa's MP name
# Why Jhalawar is famous
# From which Assembly constituency Our CM Smt. Vasundhara Raje elected?
# From which parliamentary constituency Look Sabha MP Shri Dushyant Singh elected?
# Questions from GRAVITY DAM as what is this, which main forces are acting on it, why it fails, prevention from failure & seepage
# What is mortar & normal ratio of Cement-Sand
# In Plaster work which ratio mortar generally uses
# Soil Bearing Capacity determination methods
# Turbines
# How do you find Wall height

Interview duration : approx 20 minutes.

Mr. Sanwar Mal Meena's interview:

Home town - Sikar
Education - B.Tech in Civil engineering from Govt  Engineering college, Bharatpur (2012 batch)

Job - Junior Engineer in RVPN at Suratgarh

Interview details:

Panel : R.D.Saini Sir
Question asked related to
# Home town, 10th ,12th school, college background etc.
# about my private job and govt job.
# Power capacity of rvunl plants.
# About suratgarh thermal plant.
# Meaning of supercritical word in power generation.
# About central government operating plants in Rajasthan.
# Plants which are operating by two or more states in Rajasthan.
# Total capacity of solar generation in Rajasthan.
# Why we installed solar plant in Jaisalmer.
# What about wind energy in sikar .
# About MOU in Resuragent Rajasthan.
# Name of sharing companies.
# Mahi dam.
# Indira Gandhi Nahar Project.
# Percentage of SC & ST in Sikar & Rajasthan.
# Temples in Sikar.
# History of temples.
# Detail history of JEEN MATA MANDIR.
# Why you not join coaching for preparation.
#  Reason to join a teaching job in private engineering college.

Technical expert 1

# Point of contra-flexure.
# Supports in beam.
# Overhanging beam.
# Flat and two way slab.
# Work of AEn in PHED department.
# About PHED laboratory.
# Required test for purification of water.
# Layout of domestic  supply .
# Turbidity test.
# Sources of drinking water for Sikar.

Technical expert 2

# Flow through pipes.
# Flow through soil grains.
# Critical flow.
# Losses in pipe flow.
# Darcy's formula.
# Flow through rough pipe & smooth pipe. 

Time of interview approx 25- 30 minutes. 

Mr.  Ashutosh Upadhyay's interview:

Home town - Allahabad (UP)
Education - B.Tech in Civil engineering from NIT, Hamirpur

Interview details:

Panel : R.D.Saini sir
# From which which district Banas river passing.
# In which which district Marwari language speaking.
# Freedom struggle movement of Rajasthan

# Favourite subjects - Strength of materials, Geotech, Concrete technology.
# How will you use these in construction of a building
# What are steps of building construction
# What are the things which make concrete weak
# Which shape of aggregate is best
# Is concrete always attaining strength with time?
# Properties of RCC
# How do you minimize waste, which created by locality.
Ans. Segregating them into Biodegradable & Non biodegradable.
# what's your view on Cleaniness
# Recycling
# How do you recycle waste in village
Answer - by composting through compost pit
# or in City
# Tell names of Rajasthan district.

Interview duration : approx 15 minutes.

Mr. Arpit Agarwal's interview:

Home town - Bikaner
Education - B.Tech in Civil engineering from NIT, Jalandhar

Interview details:
Panel - R.D.Saini sir
1) Indira Gandhi canal origin , passes from which districts of Rajasthan    
2) No. of states in India & newest one
3) No. of districts in Rajasthan &  name of districts who are recently formed 26th one to 33th he mentioned it
4) Which areas in Rajasthan are demanding to become new district.
5) What your opinion on that new districts should be formed or not
6) Gajner National Park 
7) Which river start and end in same district.
8) Biggest drinking water project/scheme in Rajasthan.
9) Dams on Chambal river 
10) Barrage on chambal.
11) Where is Bisalpur project 
12) Origin and end of banas
13) Difference between dams and barrage
14) How we give grade to OPC 33 43 53
15) Which type cement we use in under water construction
Technical expert-1 asked 6-7 questions related to Irrigation & other technical expert-2 asked 6-7 questions related to RCC.

Interview duration : approx 15-20 minutes.

Mr. Narendra Sharma's interview:

Home town - Sikar
Education - B.Tech in Civil engineering from NIT, Silchar
M.Tech : MNIT, Jaipur (Structural Engineering)
Job-  Assistant professor in Manipal University, Jaipur

Interview details:
Interview mainly focused on:
# Irrigation projects of Rajasthan
# Irritated area by IGNP in hectares?
# Difference between PHED & WRD and their functions
#  Panchana Dam made in which district & where is Isharda dam ?
# Panchana dam made on which five rivers?
# Bisalpur dam made on which river?
# Important rivers of Rajasthan?
# Chambal river flowing from which which districys & finally fall in which river?
# " AAPNI Yojna" & "SHREE Yojna"
# There is how many Urban bodies, Panchayat samities & Gram panchayat?
# Types of Tanks in Water supply.


# What is Ready Mixed Concrete?
# Fiber Reinforced Concrete
# Difference between OPC & ferro cement
# Maximum size of aggregate used in Beans
# Maximum thickness of slab
# One-way & two-way slab
# Maximum spacing in reinforcement bars.
# Why doubly. Reinforced beams are used
# Water requirement in Lpcd for daily use
# How many percentage of population living in Village
# Water requirement of water in rural area
# Can we use irrigation & drinking water interchangebly
# Different methods of Water purification
# Why disinfection is done

# Types of impurities in water & how to pure them.

Mr. Pankaj Singh's interview:

Home town - Bharatpur
Education - B.Tech in Civil engineering from MNIT, (2013 batch)

Job - Junior Engineer in WRD Rajasthan at Jhalawar

Interview details:

Interview Questions are as:
1. 10th, 12th & B.Tech completed with what percentage & from where?
2. About Home town Bharatpur
3. Kevala dev National Park get water from where? 
Answer : Earlier from Moti lake but Nowadays from Chambal river
4. Where is Bandh baretha, Panchana & Parvati irrigation scheme.
Answer : Bharatpur, Karouli &  Dholpur respectively.
5. Which one is in greater in its command area between Bandh baretha & Panchana dam.
Answer : it don't know
6. You are working in WRD Jhalawar, what are the different irrigation schemes in Jhalawar?
Answer : Kalisindh will irritates in Stage-II, bhimsagar, chhapi, chawli, reva, rajgarh etc.
7. Which state/s share Mahi irrigation scheme?
Answer : MP & Rajasthan
8. Which state/s share Narmada Irrigation scheme?
Answer: MP, Rajasthan, Gujrat & Maharashtra
9. What are different structure situated on Chambal river?
Answer : Gandhi Sagar, Rana Pratap, Jawahar Sagar & Kota barrage
10. Out of these structure on how many schemes Power generation is going on and how much project is generated on these?
Answer : All & I don't know.
11. How much is the command area of CAD Chambal?
Answer : 2.29 lac hectare.

Member-2 :

1. You are working in WRD Jhalawar. So, what qualities you achieve to become AEn from JEn?
2. What type of work you doing nowadays?
3. What are responsibilities of a JEn?
3. Is there any construction work going on or just repairing work is going on?
4. Tell me about the work you are doing on the site


1. What is the difference between Statically determinate & Indeterminate structure?
2. What are the methods for solving Indeterminate structure
3. If there is any multistory building than which method would you prefer?
4. What is degree of freedom?
What is the difference between nominal & design mix concrete
5. Give about the criteria in M30 concrete.

Interview duration : approx 15-20 minutes

12th January, 2015's Interview

Mr. Anil Meena's interview:

Home town - Jaipur
Education - BE in Civil engineering from MBM engineering college, Jodhpur (2012 batch)

Job - Junior Engineer in MES at Suratgarh 

Interview details:

Technical questions
1. Difference between CPM and pert 
2. Critical path method
3. Types of float 
4. Free float 
5. BOD 
6. COD
7. Road construction related 
8. military Engineering Services job related 
9. About  Sewage treatment plant

Non tech 

1. Nagar palika, Nagar Nigam & Election of Nagar Nigam
2. Jaipur's population & Problems of Jaipur
3. About MBM engineering college
4. Gram panchayat 
5. About IGNP
6. NH of Suratgarh 
7. About Mega Highways
8. Sriganganagar's famous place
9. Canal related question

Interview duration : approx 15 minutes. 

Mr. Ajit Singh's interview:

Home town - Nagaur
Education - BE in Civil engineering from MBM engineering college, Jodhpur (2013 batch)

Job - Junior Engineer in RVNL at Sirohi

Interview details:
Panel : R.D.Saini Sir
Questions mainly asked from :
# About village Chhoti KHATU & Nagpur
# Fluoride problem in Nagpur & its remedy
# Scheme running for this purpose
About field job:
# How is construction goes on
# How is 90 degree make while marking
# Brick masonary types of brick bonds
# Which is strong
# Water cement ratio
# It's limit
# If you are asked for less w/c then what is your step
# Use of plasticizer
# Gen of this
# Mortar
# Type of mortar
# Test for concrete
# Moment of resistance
# Lever arm
# Why should you choose for this job
# What is significance of step well
# What is banka patti
# you see the people's of bank a patti
# Area of fluoride prone area
# Standard size of brick
# No of bricks in 1cumec
# Brick size in market
# Type of foundation in Sirohi
# Swachh Bharat Abhiyan LOGO
# Why should choose this
# Tell Cement producing 5 companies name
# what's the difference between them
# Difference between OPC 43 & 53

Interview duration : approx 23-24 minutes.

Mr. Avjeet Singh's interview:

Home town -
Education - BE in Civil engineering from MBM engineering college, Jodhpur (2012 batch)
M.Tech in Geotech


Interview details:

Panel : K.R.Bagdia Sir
Questions asked from: 
# Women MLAs in Rajasthan
# Women Governors of Rajasthan
# Women Chief Ministers of Rajasthan
# Women Reservation in Panchayati Raj and Nagar Palika.
# Minister of PHED, WRD & Panchayati Raj
# Women reservation in Rajasthan govt exams
# Partnership of Rajasthan in barmer refinery And which company is working
# Expansion joint
 # Causes of failure of rigid pavements
# Tests of aggregates
# Tests of bituminous
 # What is Modulus index and what are the significant of it
# Smallest National Highway passing through Rajasthan,  From where where it passes, How many Kilometres long is it
# Longest NH of India, its length, from where to where its going.
# Difference between NH, Express way, Mega highway

Last question : Your M.Tech is in Geotech. So, explain your work for constructing a building.

Interview duration : approx 17-18 minutes.

13th January, 2015's Interview

Ms. Arpita Saxena's interview:

Home town - Jaipur
Education - B.Tech in Civil engineering from College of technology & engineering, Udaipur

ME : MBM engineering college, Jodhpur (Structural Engineering)

Job - Assistant Professor (Guest faculty) in MNIT, Jaipur

Interview details:

Panel : Dr. R.D.Saini sir & Prof. Arvind Rai Sir (from MBM)
Interview transcript are as:
Expert -1
# Population of Jaipur
# MLA of Jaipur
# Beti jb vida hoti h to kaunse song gaate h
# Beta ki shadi me maa usko milk pilati h vo rashm ko kya blte h
# Form work of column, beam & slab
# Beam jagah jagah se kyo Phool jaati h

Technical expert -  Arvind Rai Sir : 

# Drawings bnate h to kaunsa projection hota h 
# Kis type ki drawings hoti h
# Ydi line in both plane h to uska elevation n plan
# Pure bending kya hota h 

Expert -2

# Odd even system in Delhi
# Delhi odd even ke impact btao
# Usse car increase hogi ya decrease
# Speak about Dr. Radhakrishnan in 2 minutes
# Teacher's day kyo mnate h
# Dr. Radhakrishnan ke 5 project btao
# Rajasthan ki 3 raniya
# Major problems of Jaipur
# Luni river kahan se nikalti h & poora btao
# Barahmasi river kaunsi h
# Aap MNIT Jaipur m guest faculty ho to ye department kyo join krna chahte ho
Ph.D k liye apply kyo nhi krte

Interview duration : approx 15 minutes.

Mr. Ashish Godara's interview:

Home town - Hanumangarh
Education - B.Tech in Civil engineering from Bharat Group of Institutions, Mansa, Panjab (PTU) 2013 batch

Interview details:

Panel : Bagdia sir
Interview mainly focused on :
# Population of Hanumangarh
# Women ministers in Rajasthan
# International border with district max and min
# Sex ratio Rajasthan
# Soil health card
# Beti bachao beti padao
# Rajasthan population density
# about IGNP
# about Bhatner fort
# How to measure discharge of canal 
# Difference between pipe flow and channel flow 
# How to measure pressure in pipe
# Difference between level and theodolite
# Fly levelling
# Bernoulli equation
# How to plan a stadium or running track
# OPC and PPC
# Qualities of pozzulona
# Least count staff
# Scale on theodolite and their least count

Interview duration : approx 15-20 minutes

Mr. Vinay Soni's interview:

Home town - Jodhpur
Education - BE in Civil engineering from MBM engineering College, Jodhpur

Interview details:

Interview started by chairman sir:
# Questions asked about
Educational qualification and home town
# chief minister of rajasthan elected from jodhpur city and their tenure period
‪#‎conversion‬ of barrel into litres
# conversion of sq yard into sq meter 
# how a illterate driver identify the type of road ( milestone of all the road NH SH MSR VR)
‪#‎womens‬ reservation in rajasthan and in various departments and local bodies
‪#‎minister‬ of irrigation , phed and panchayati raj
‪#‎chairman‬ of state finance comission and what r the role of finance comission
#chairman of central finance comsn and their role
# some question about lok sabha abd vidhan sabha

Question asked by chairperson-2

# regarding current job profile
which kind of work presently doing in the field
‪#‎which‬ kind of defects found at the site
# regarding quality assurance
# type of field test done at site
# regarding mixed design of concrte
# what is expressway
# what are the main difference in the design of runway and expressway
# what are the parameter used in the design of run and expressway
‪#‎why‬ tanks in rural areas are circular in shape bt septica tank are rectangle in shape?

Question asked by chairperson-3

‪#‎what‬ is the basic difference in WSM and LSM
# what is the difference in IS 456:1978 and IS 456:2000
‪#‎factor‬ of safety for steel and concrete
# what do u mean by fy450
# what is the difference between high performance concrete and high strength concrte 
# what are the range of superplasticers in high perfomance concrte
‪#‎SFD‬ & BMD of fixed beam
# reinforcement detail of cantilever beam

**Interview concluded**

Mr. Shalendra Singh's interview:

Home town -  Uttar Pradesh
Education - B. Tech in Civil engineering from MMM engineering College, Gorakhpur (UP)

Interview details:

Panel - Bagdia sir
Interview mainly focused on schooling, college, current job & Rajasthan Gk
# No of blocks, no of tehsils
# No of river which flow through out year in passes from Ajmer
# From RCC,  Bleeding problem in slab casting
# Expansion & contraction joint
# Gravity dam, its failure in sliding & overturning
# bending moment and shesr force diagram of cantilever beam
# transition curve and circular curve from transporation
# profile levelling from surveying
# Types of foundations which generally uses in various types of building & other civil engineering structures
# Tell names of Rajasthan's districts which touches Uttar Pradesh border & names of UP districts which touches Rajasthan.
# Tell names of women ministers in Rajasthan
# Tell names of women governors in India
# Tell name of ministers of all three departments for which AEn exam conducted

Interview duration : approx 14-15 minutes.

Mr. Raushan Kumar's interview:

Home town - Bihar
Education -

Job :  

Interview details
Panel : Surjeet Lal Meena Sir
Questions asked from:
# Total no. of National Highways passing through Rajasthan
# Difference between NH & SH
# How many tributaries in Rajasthan
# SFD & BMD of fixed beam
# about CWC
# Difference between Dam & Barrage
# Difference between Dam & Wier
# River training work
# Avoiding of silting
# Minimum reinforcement in slab
# Distribution reinforcement
# about Allahabad Sangam
# about Bihar election
# On how many seat of congress wins in bihar
# What is the name of Manjhi's Party
# How many times Nitish Kumar becomes CM of Bihar

Interview duration : approx 10 minutes

Note:  Part-1 & Part-2 consists only AEn(Civil) candidates interview transcripts.

For AEn(Mechanical & Electrical) candidates interview transcript please visit Part-3.

For any queries you can contact me on: