Here on this blog I publishing following Interview transcripts/experiences, which I got got from various sources. Hope it helps needful aspirants.
2nd August 2017 Interview transcripts:
Dr.Navneet Interview:
-Board-shyam Sundar Sharma(2 August-MMR(vaccine and mat mort rate
-Rajasthan's MMR
-Family health survey kitne saal m report nikalta h
-Jodhpur sambhag k geographical featur-What are the reasons behind Rajasthan is slow growing states and what are the factors who decide the growth
-swine flu
-Routes of transmissing diseases
-Vector borne diseases
-india's GDP
-Effect of demonetisation on GDP
-Organic farming
-use of technology in agriculture
-Flagships schemes of Rajasthan
-Schemes of Raj who gt awrd on national level
-Mob lynching and recent incidents
-Tehsildar se upar ki hierarchy
-diff bw SDM and SDO
-Main function of SDO
-What is Dhara 144
-What is Dhara 107
-Diff bw executive magistrate and judicial magistrate
-About revenue board and who is chairman
-Chief sec of Rajasthan and DGP of Rajasthan (must use respected prefix
-why u want to join the service,govt has invested Lotz of money on you and blah blah (5 min jhilaya-be prepare if u are professional degree holder and ap apni knowledge kaise use karoge in service
-Just asked about hobbies (must prepare Ur Hobbies
Mr. Lakhan Singh Yadav Interview:
नाम: लखन सिंह यादवबोर्ड : श्याम सुंदर शर्मा (afternoon)
फुटबॉल का सबसे बड़ा टूर्नामेंट कोनसा है।
पिछली बार कहा हुआ।
कौन जीता।
कौन हारा।
राजस्थान के इंडस्ट्रियल विकास में कौनसी समस्याएं हैं।
आप इन समस्याओं का समाधान कैसे देखते हैं!
दक्षिण चीन सागर क्या है!
इसमें क्या समस्या है।
भारत का क्या स्टैंड है।
आपने बीकानेर से इंजीनियरिंग की तो आपकी डिग्री late क्यों हो गयी। नेतागिरी की होगी।
अभी आतंकी मारा गया उसका नाम!
कहाँ मारा गया।
कश्मीर में समस्या क्या है!
इसके क्या समाधान देखते हैं आप!
क्या लगता है डोभाल साहब कर पाएंगे!
कोनसा राज्य अपने लिए झंडा बनाना चाहता है!
क्या कारण हो सकते हैं और आपकी राय!
राजस्थान के विकास के लिए कोनसी वो ख़ूबयाँ आप देखते हैं जो अन्य राज्यों से अलग हैं और बेहतर हैं।
RPS बन गए तो आपको प्राथमिकता क्या होगी।
RAS बन गए तो क्या होगी।
Income tax inspector भी अछि नौकरी है फिर उसे क्यों छोड़ना है।
अभी अरविंद पनगड़िया ने इस्तीफा दे दिया क्या इन्होंने एग्रीकल्चर इनकम पर कर लगाने के बारे मे कुछ कह था!
आपकी क्या राय है इस बारे में।
RBI के चेयरमैन कौन हैं!
इन्हें क्यों बनाया गया होगा!
Another candidate Interview:
Rathor Sir board-graduate from tamilnadu? Why tamilnadu?
-abhi kya kar rahe ho?
-rajasthan me major problem?
- jal swawlamban. Traditional water harvesting in rajasthan.
-from graduation and job?( veterinary doctor so not useful for you )
-1 member ask only hobby? (Cricket)
- home distt. - kya famous hai?
- apni local language sekhawati me 30 second tk gao walon ko fixed farming ke bare me btao.
Conclusion - graduation and job, hobby (only 1), and details about your district. That's it.
Another candidate Interview:
Another candidate Interview:
Mr. Subhash Jangid Interview:

3rd August 2017 Interview transcripts:
Mr. Shakti singh Interview :
Board rajkumari ji.Time 0900 candidate ..
Shakti Singh :- 10 the 12 the graduation and p.g. kha se ki...
Indian army and airforce me difference... Airforce se prasasan me aake kaise Vikas ke kary kroge..
name of air chief Marshal..
air force station in Rajasthan.
No. Of tehsil in your district...
Name of MLA as per tehsil wise....
sthaniya swasashan ke prakar..
in sabhi ke chunav...
Rajasthan ki 02 flagship yoznaye....
Gramin area ki aam samasya kya...
airforce ..Navy.. army me behtar kind..
Docklam issue
Board ka mahool bhut acccha tha. Best of luck ..
Jai hind
Board ka mahool bhut acccha tha. Best of luck ..
Jai hind

Another candidate Interview:
SL meena board
Chairman: schooling from?
Epfo job where, responsibilities?
Ny directly utility of mechanical engineering ?
Home city ?
Statue circle, whose statue on it and when installed?
Amber fort nd whose temple in it?
Colour of statue in that temple?
Who brought statue and from where?
Folk song associated with it?
Jaigarh fort, built by whom nd when, jaigarh cannon fired anytime?
Who got it built nd when?
EPF rate of interest?
How decided?
Quantum of interest payments in budget of central and state government?
How msp is determined, who determines it? Tell MSP of few crops?
2 terms in Hindi related to land revenue department, did not understand.
Sahitya akadmy awards chief guest 2016? Sahitya akadmy award to rajasthani nd for what creation?
Last stage of Rajasthan merger created how many districts?
Kisan credit card?
Farmers suicide under weight of loans, is govt on suicidal path by taking loans on continuous basis?
How we get to know crop production before actual production?
1 hectare= how much area?
Chairman: schooling from?
Epfo job where, responsibilities?
Ny directly utility of mechanical engineering ?
Home city ?
Statue circle, whose statue on it and when installed?
Amber fort nd whose temple in it?
Colour of statue in that temple?
Who brought statue and from where?
Folk song associated with it?
Jaigarh fort, built by whom nd when, jaigarh cannon fired anytime?
Who got it built nd when?
EPF rate of interest?
How decided?
Quantum of interest payments in budget of central and state government?
How msp is determined, who determines it? Tell MSP of few crops?
2 terms in Hindi related to land revenue department, did not understand.
Sahitya akadmy awards chief guest 2016? Sahitya akadmy award to rajasthani nd for what creation?
Last stage of Rajasthan merger created how many districts?
Kisan credit card?
Farmers suicide under weight of loans, is govt on suicidal path by taking loans on continuous basis?
How we get to know crop production before actual production?
1 hectare= how much area?
Kashmir issue , change in policy of government?
Solution forward?
Separatists recent issues?
What can b done for youth of JK?
How ?
Utility of engineering in current job and civil services?
Kashmir issue , change in policy of government?
Solution forward?
Separatists recent issues?
What can b done for youth of JK?
How ?
Utility of engineering in current job and civil services?
Naxalism ?
Panchayat Raj in Rajasthan how many tiers nd what?
Which constitutional amendment?
What has changed after constitutional amendment?
Which body replaced planning commission, functions of NITI ayog, news related to NITI ..pangariya resignation?
U are SDM , u are on an road accident site : 2 dead, 2 injured and 2 trapped inside vehicle, What ll be your action?
*Hobby- (1)बच्चों को खेल खिलाना (2) योग करना
*Board- शिवसिंह राठौड़ सर
*समय-20 मिनट
**Chairman sir-
1.10th school and year?
2.12th school and year?
3. Engineering college?
4.Engineering में जॉब नही करनी थी तो engineering क्यों की?
5.(Gap year),इतने समय से क्या कर रहे थे?
6.अगर r.a.s.2016 में नही हुआ तो?
7.आगे भी नही हुआ तो?
8.job क्यों छोड़ी? (govt. Job)
9.hobby-बच्चो को खेल खिलाना।कौनसे खेल खिलाते हो?
10.देसी खेलो के नाम बताओ।
11.देसी खेल बन्द हो गये, कौन कौन से?
12.सितोलिया को सितोलिया क्यो कहते है?
13.सितोलिया में कितने खिलाड़ी होते हैं?
14.प्रधानमंत्री मोदी की विदेश नीति पहले से कैसे अलग है?
15.योग कितनी देर करते हो?
**Member 1-
1.बाढ़ कौन कौनसे जिलो में आ रही हैं?
2.बाढ़ के प्रभाव को कम करने के उपाय?
3.अगर आप बाढ़ वाले क्षेत्र के s.d.o. हो तो क्या क्या उपाय करोगे?
4.कौन कौनसे साधन जुटाओगे?
5. S.d.o.के तीन काम बताओ।
**Member 2-
1.आज कल इतने engineering college खुल रहे है आप क्या सोचते हो?
2. Government को क्या करना चाहिए?
3.पुल क्यों टूँट जाते है?
4. Do you think सारा system corrupt है?
5.क्या करे कैसे system ठीक हो?
**अंत मे पुनः चेयरमैन सर
(1) success को 1 line में define करो?
(2) 30 सेकेंड राजस्थानी में गांव के लड़कों को motivate करो?
* Rpsc staff -- cooperative nature
* Board members-- cordial behavior
* my opinion -- u should be cool , confident & honest.
I.e. Most of the questions had been discussed during mock interviews.
Naxalism ?
Panchayat Raj in Rajasthan how many tiers nd what?
Which constitutional amendment?
What has changed after constitutional amendment?
Which body replaced planning commission, functions of NITI ayog, news related to NITI ..pangariya resignation?
U are SDM , u are on an road accident site : 2 dead, 2 injured and 2 trapped inside vehicle, What ll be your action?
Another candidate Interview:
Another candidate Interview:
Mr. Mritunjay Mishra ( Interview transcript:
*Hobby- (1)बच्चों को खेल खिलाना (2) योग करना
*Board- शिवसिंह राठौड़ सर
*समय-20 मिनट
**Chairman sir-
1.10th school and year?
2.12th school and year?
3. Engineering college?
4.Engineering में जॉब नही करनी थी तो engineering क्यों की?
5.(Gap year),इतने समय से क्या कर रहे थे?
6.अगर r.a.s.2016 में नही हुआ तो?
7.आगे भी नही हुआ तो?
8.job क्यों छोड़ी? (govt. Job)
9.hobby-बच्चो को खेल खिलाना।कौनसे खेल खिलाते हो?
10.देसी खेलो के नाम बताओ।
11.देसी खेल बन्द हो गये, कौन कौन से?
12.सितोलिया को सितोलिया क्यो कहते है?
13.सितोलिया में कितने खिलाड़ी होते हैं?
14.प्रधानमंत्री मोदी की विदेश नीति पहले से कैसे अलग है?
15.योग कितनी देर करते हो?
**Member 1-
1.बाढ़ कौन कौनसे जिलो में आ रही हैं?
2.बाढ़ के प्रभाव को कम करने के उपाय?
3.अगर आप बाढ़ वाले क्षेत्र के s.d.o. हो तो क्या क्या उपाय करोगे?
4.कौन कौनसे साधन जुटाओगे?
5. S.d.o.के तीन काम बताओ।
**Member 2-
1.आज कल इतने engineering college खुल रहे है आप क्या सोचते हो?
2. Government को क्या करना चाहिए?
3.पुल क्यों टूँट जाते है?
4. Do you think सारा system corrupt है?
5.क्या करे कैसे system ठीक हो?
**अंत मे पुनः चेयरमैन सर
(1) success को 1 line में define करो?
(2) 30 सेकेंड राजस्थानी में गांव के लड़कों को motivate करो?
* Rpsc staff -- cooperative nature
* Board members-- cordial behavior
* my opinion -- u should be cool , confident & honest.
I.e. Most of the questions had been discussed during mock interviews.
Another candidate Interview:
4th August 2017 Interview transcripts:
Meena sir board (9.a.m)
10th kaha se ki?
12th and graduation kahan se ki?
Gst pe virodh q ho rha h
demonatisation pe aapka kya view h?
Farmers suicide q kr rhe h,kuch sujhav?
Ranthmbhor ki vishestayen?
Aravali ka importance?
Rain disperety in rajasthan?
Aatankwad,naksalwad nd algaavwad me difference?
Aap rps ho to bomb blast nd aatankwad se kaise deal karoge aapki city me ?
tomato rate q hike kr rhe h?
nd many more...
Another candidate Interview:
Another candidate Interview:
Another candidate Interview:
Another candidate Interview:
Another candidate Interview:
Bagdiya sir ka boardTime 20 minute
1.10th 12th n graduation kha se ki?
2. Phalodi solar plant ke liye famous h but kuch problems h btao kya kya h?
3.Aapko sdm bnae to kya kroge vha?
4.aap education department se ras kyu bnna chahte ho lecture to bhut achhi post h?
5. Rte kya h?
6.sdmc kya h?
7ignp ki full form
Kha se niklti h kha tk jati h?
8.phalodi ko ignp se kya banafit h?
9.delhi mumbai corridors kya h? city
11 niti aayog
12loksbha ke speaker ko kon sapth dilata h?
13. Bcci ki ful form
14.aap kis bhumika me khelte h? se administration ko kya labh
16 cricket bollywood n politics me relation?
17 abhi kis cricketer ka actress ke sath affair chl rha h?
Best of luck and thank you
8th August 2017 Interview transcripts:
Shyam Sunder VishnoiBoard - Shyam Sunder Sharma sir
Date 8/8/2017 morning
10 th
12 th
Job - teacher & Raj. Accounts service
1. Universalisation of education kya h?
2. Iske liye kya kya prayas kiye ja rhe h?
3. No detention policy thik thi kya ?
4. Ye kyu safal nhi hui?
5. Secondary education k liye koi new scheme?
6. Rmsa ki full form
7. Rmsa ke kya kya kaary hote h ?
8. New education policy 1986?
9. Shiksha me sudhar hetu gathit mantri samuh ke chairperson kaun h ? Kis state k h?
10. Kis bindu PR focus kr rha h ye mantri samuh?
11. Aapki hobby?
12. Planting h to kyu?
13. Planting kese? In a year kitne plants lagate ho ?
14. Conservation important h ya plantation?
15. Kitne plants jeewit rhte h aapke lagaaye hue ?
16. Planting ko badawa dene k liye sarkari prayas sufficient h kya?
17. Kya NIA ki karyawahi terror funding ko kam kregi?
18. Kashmir issue ka solutions?
19. As a SDM illegal mining ko kese rokoge?
20. Mining ki probability in Raj?
21. Nagaur ki historical visheshtaye?
22. Marble?
23. Gypsum?
24 . Tungsten?
25. Panchayti Raj ki suruaat?
26. Amarsingh rathore?
27. Cattle fairs ?
28. Aapko dungrpur lga Diya jaaye to waha job kr loge kya ?
29. Abhi to aapne 7 years ki job home district me hi ki h ?
30. Teaching or Rajasthan accounts service me jyada job satisfaction kaha Mila ?
31. Working environment me kya difference h ?
32. Teaching is a noble proffesion ? Are u agree?
33. To aap administration ki or kyu aaye ?
34. Aap SDM ho ek area me raaste wiwad ho gya h ? 2 parties lad rhi h Aap kya karoge?
35. Kya krishi bhoomi ke liye raste ka koi Pravdhan h ?
35. Dhara 251 kya h?
36. Raaste k liye aavedan kisko Kiya jata h ?
Board supporting tha 20-25 tk chala interview ..
Thanks all my well-wishers🙏
9th August 2017 Interview transcripts:
Mr. Shankar Lal Jangid Interview:

10th August 2017 Interview transcripts:
Mr. Mahendra Singh Muwal Interview:

Another candidate Interview:

Another candidate Interview:
Another candidate Interview:
16th August 2017 Interview transcripts:
Mr. Ram Avtar Jat Interview:
Special request:
My humble request to candidates please share with me your valuable experience after your interview on my Facebook: &
Email : .
Email : .
So, I can post them on this blog and maximum aspirants can take advantage from this.
All the best 👍👍
All the best 👍👍